Season 2- Episode 21: The Beast Within

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The beast opens its large jaw and lets out a loud sound unlike anything ever heard before. The noise sounded like a combination of a werewolf howl and a hellhound growl. The large beast walks out of the shadows showing itself. The beast looks like a werewolf straight from hell. It's stature is larger than that of an average werewolf, its fur white in color but looking anything but pure. A blue aura surges through the beast making it appear as if blue electricity is running through its veins. It scans the area when it's eyes meet the only other living creature within the vincinity.. Byakuya.

The beast stares at the boy with souless eyes for just a moment before it is heading straight toward him on all fours.

Byakuya grunts 'Damn!...' he thinks to himself as he morphs into his Black Alpha Wolf Form, he gets on all Fours and rushes away as the Hellwolf gives chase 'Tch!........It's right on my tail......gotta be careful if not.....that thing is gonna Kill me.......have too find a way too revert Mitsuki back too normal.......' he then grabs onto a large tree branch with his claws and throws it at the Hellwolf, while speeding up the tree 'whatever this is, damn sure am not prepared for it..'

The Hellwolf catches the branch in its mouth and breaks it in two effortlessly underneath its gigantic jaw. It continues to dart at Byakuya quickly shortening the distance between them. As the beast gets closer you can see the predatory and bloodthirsty look in its eyes as if its stalking its prey before getting ready for the kill.

Byakuya snarls slightly frustrated 'Her's...unnatural........even for a Lycan' he thinks to himself climbing the tree with tremendous speed and felocity 'I've gotta get enough distance to prepare that....if I'm far away there's no way she can reach me. That's the perfect Opportunity to prepare the Seal.....'

Mitsuki opens her eyes looking around but seeing only endless darkness everywhere she turns. "Where... Where am I...?" She questions nobody as she walks around with no sense of direction in this abyss of darkness. "You're in my domain now..."

The deep voice she heard before begins speaking as a young looking male with short black hair with white highlights in the front, piercing yellow eyes, and two large black feathered wings emerges from the shadows.

"Welcome Mitsuki." The male says with a stoic expression. "Where am I?", she asks confused and unknowlingly. "You're inside your mind, quite literally." He begins to explain, "I told you I had a proposition for you and you accepted which means..." He pauses for a moment before speaking again, his tone more dark and serious this time, "I'm in control now."

Meanwhile, Byakuya leaps from the very top of the tree landing on all Fours and double timing back too the Clearing where the Ritual took place 'Okay! Now I have time too breathe and Prepare......As long as I keep my distance that Form can't do any an upfront battle I could find a solid strategy but I can't forget, my Sister's still in there...' he says confidently dashing through the forest his fur cold from the fast wind blowing past him, his breathing becoming heavier as he uses most of his energy too increase his speed.

The beast stands on it's hind legs revealing just how massive it's size actually is. It lifts it's nose towards the sky sniffing the air trying to catch a specific scent. The wind blows ferociously throwing off the beast's tracking. He crouches down sniffing the ground. As soon as he catches a whiff of the young boy's smell it snaps its head in that direction. The hellwolf's eyes narrow as its stalking instincts start to take over and the beast goes from zero to one hundred moving at incrediable speeds towards Byakuya's location.

"Who exactly are you?" Mitsuki asks the strange figure that appears before her. "And what do you mean you're in control now?", she asks studying him, trying to see past his poker face. "You really haven't done your homework have you?" The boy asks giving a slight sadistic smirk. "I'm Akuma... the Blood Moon Demon."

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