Raising the Bar (Smut)

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The boys had been separated for a while. Mostly because Zayn and Harry were off doing their own thing during break while Liam, Louis, and Niall went to the V Festival. Zayn hadn’t paid attention to any of the rumors because he rarely ever checked up on that stuff anyway, but when his sister asked him if Niall had really gotten a tongue ring, he stilled and prayed that the younger lad really didn’t.

            When they saw each other for the first time in a while, they were placed in the van so they could make it to their BBC 1 radio interview on time. Niall passed out against the window and Zayn squirmed in his seat because he was dying to know whether or not it was true.  He watched for any signs, but the sleeping boy denied him the pleasure of knowing. Niall woke up and stretched; Zayn waited for a yawn that never came.

‘You alright mate?’ Liam asked as they made their way to the studio.

‘Yeah, it’s just been a while y’know?’ Zayn lied.

‘It’s always the same, no worries’ Liam replied, squeezing gently on Zayn’s shoulder as if to assure him everything would be okay.

Zayn almost laughed because he was being consoled over the fact that dreams of Niall’s tongue ring clanging against his teeth had taken over his life. He had woken up that morning to come stained sheets as he dreamt about feeling the cold metal ball run over his dick. He twitched at the memories, walking through the door and taking a seat next to Harry.

            The interview wasn’t long. They mentioned that One Direction was going to be performing at the teen awards and they spoke of their new single. The radio DJ caught on to Niall’s accent not making itself known and asked the question Zayn was dying to know the answer to.

‘So Niall, there’s a rumour going around that you’ve got a tongue piercing. You haven’t said much today, so can it be true?’

‘It’s true’ Niall replied easily, sticking his tongue out and rolling it around so everyone could see the piercing.

‘Holy shit’ Zayn muttered, slapping his hands over his mouth at the outburst, as the other lads just stared at the blond boy.

‘Well I suppose that’ll be trouble for you later mate’

‘It’s all just good fun. If it becomes a problem I’ll just take it out.’

‘Why’d you get it?’ the other announcer asked, eyebrows raised in what seemed like an accusation.

‘I just thought it looked cool’

‘You know that they’re mostly used for’

‘Well yes! We’re super excited to performing at the awards and for our single to come out. It’s been a great interview!’ Liam interrupted as the blush covered his face. The DJs looked to each other and smirked, knowing what Liam was trying to avoid. They put on a song and muted all of the mics.

‘You got something else to confess mate?’ One of them cheekily asked Niall.


‘I’ve heard that tongue rings are great for blow jobs’ the other DJ said, offering up another smirk as Liam choked on the water he was drinking. Zayn felt himself pale at the suggestion and his hands shot to cover his crotch.

‘Time to go! Time to go, let’s go’ Liam exclaimed as he pushed the lads out the door.

            When they reached the hall everyone was flustered by the fact that blow jobs were just brought up during a radio interview. Zayn was still flabbergasted by the fact that the rumours were true and Niall had the sexiest mouth in the band already, but now there was a teasing metal bar that would send a shot straight to Zayn’s dick whenever he saw it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2012 ⏰

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