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- Feeling tense and feeling stressed out is basically half of our lives. Some of us also over think. Don't let all of this over come you, and your life. Problems will not last forever , with every problem there is mostly a solution you just have to dig deep to find it.

- when you have a problem with some else like your in a fight with a friend, be the person that helps fix it, be the person that brings light to a dark room. Don't be the person that doesn't try. Solving things out means less stress, over thinking, and tensity.

- and also GIVE PEOPLE TIME. When you know you have done something wrong don't keep bugging they wont hate you and leave you so don't be so scared. Make your point in a sweet apology, tell your story clearly, and just give them the time to think about what you said. You would want some time too right?

HEYY guys I decided to give 3 advices today instead of 3 quotes and 1 advice. Because I think that overthinking every problem is not the right thing to do. You just TRY to make it right as much as you can, and relax. I over think a lot, maybe a friend doesn't text me back for few hours I get worried. Someone is a little mad at me I get super worried, but there really is no point.

" give time, time will heal things for you"💕

HEYY guyss💗 I am trying to get 100 reads on this! So please vote and share if this is even helping you a little!

" people change, but no matter how many people change in your life make sure you don't , stay true to your self "

"Always appreciate the little things that people do for you, whether its paying for drink, making you happy, to just being there in your life."

"Don't always assume, just be happy and think of the positives of all of your thoughts."

"If things won't effect your life in the next 24 hours then let it all go."

"Smile cause you have people to make you laugh, and feel every emotion."


"The people who try in the friendship, and never really left even when you thought they did are the ones who really care:)"

"Nothing will go perfect, so don't always expect, just love everything thing that comes and passes your life."

"Don't always assume that your not special to someone, everyone who is in you life that stayed loves something about you, and you will always be special to each person in different ways."

*advice of the day*

Smile, and live in the moment. Cause when you aren't you are just wasting precious time in your life where you could have made happy memories to smile even more about later on when u need those happy thoughts.🌻🌻🌞🌞

Heyyy💗 so school time is hear and that means stress so I found this really nice app its called take a break so if you are into meditation or you want to start get the app and start doing it everyday ☺ so will feel so much better.

"The people who you might not talk to everyday but still have a connection with and they never left your life and was always there even when you thought they weren't are the people you should smile about. Because that's what caring is all about."

When finding out how much someone cares about you is the most greatest feeling ever!

- they want to talk to you

- they want to see you

- they give there part in to stay in touch with you

- even if you don't talk all the time they still manage to care and keep up with you.


"Never over think and under estimate how much someone cares for you, if they showed it then they do, that's all the evidence you need."

"If your in someone's life, and they like you in it then you are automatically special to them!"

"Don't overthink things stay positive and that's what will come your way ."

"The effort that people make for you is what truly matters."

"Just because someone doesn't show they care for you everyday, doesn't mean they don't "

"You don't have to talk to someone everyday to have a great connection with them, every friendship or relationship between anyone is special , and different in their own ways."

" never doubt your relationship with someone, not everyone shows how much they care for you in the same ways ."

"Don't always overthink, let things be, && most of all think positive and the positivity will come to you"

"The thought is what counts, when people put the effort to show you , you mean something to them, then they care."

HEYY guys I know I haven't updated in FORVER but I will try to moreee💜

" don't let the little things get to you , leave it behind you and movie on, don't let that little thing ruin your entire day and blind you for the better things in life "
" Everyday there will always be someone that will make you smile"

" people don't have to always show you they care , you just have I trust them "

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