the call to come back

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Step up the two of us, nobody knows us
Get in the car like, "Skrrt"

and a year later, nothing went back to normal. through their lives the paladins of voltron faced many changes and many normals. they faced the normal of earth, how it welcomed them home each time the came and left, even if a lot of the times it was just waking up from the darkness of sleep. many of them faced the normal or the galaxy garrison, the harsh tones of the professors, the early hours waking up to train, the disappointments and the curfews. all of them faced the normal of the voltron lions, of the many corridors or the castle of lions, of the constant wake up calls for battle, of the decisions they had to make.. but maybe not the hard ones. they had all made it past the normals and the changes in their lives, but a normal that they could never get used to, and never would, would be not having allura with them. it wasn't normal, it was torture. some more than others found her loss harder to get over. they all moved on, but it would never be normal, but maybe that was a good thing.

maybe if it was normal, it would be unbearable.

they were all an altea when the lions started to roar and they flew off into the stars, into the cosmos to honour allura and her sacrifice for every reality and more. lances newly attained altean marks glowed in the darkness of the night, reminding him that she is still there and will always be with him, that they are all made up of the same cosmic dust. when the paladins went they're separate ways a few days after that, lance back to earth to his family and the life he had there, hunk and shiro back to the atlas to continue with whatever the universe needed them for, pidge returned home to endless sleepless nights of working on her robot, and keith returned to the blade of marmora where he truly belonged, they all did, and the universe was at peace. or so they all thought.


the atlas had returned to earth for a very special day of the year. on all of their birthdays the paladins would meet at the galaxy garrison on earth, sure every single one of them kept in touch with new high tech that made them seem real when they were galaxies apart but flying back to the garrison and seeing each other in person on their home planet made the darkest feelings go away for each and every one of them. of course these reunions were bittersweet for reasons but they tried to to dwell on it as much. this time they were back at the garrison for lances birthday. lance and veronica were waiting near the landing bay for everyone to arrive, pidge was there already, she usually always was with her parents and brother. all they had to wait for now was keith, shiro and hunk. hunk always cooked the meals on the way, spending the entire flight with his crew serving up everyone's favourite meals and something extra special for the birthday someone. this year was no different, through their phones that pidge made specially for all the paladins lance had called hunk earlier and could practically smell the garlic knots being made, they had to log off soon after that, the rest was a surprise. but now the atlas was here and the former black and yellow paladins were safe on the ground, just meters away.

lance smiled warmly as hunk and shiro approached him and his sister, no words were exchanged just hugs, the talking could wait for later when lances family starts to pool into the room and it becomes and loud rambling mess, a good one though. this time though, the silence didn't stay for long. veronica spoke as they walked through the doors into the main quarters,

"how was your trip?" she asks, a small smile on her face.

hunk and shiro look at one another, "it was the usual, nothing that slowed us down and nothing that sped us up." shiro spoke and hunk nodding in approval.

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