Sunday Mornings

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A/N: hi everyone! i just joined wattpad and this is my first story. Just a little oneshot about no one in particular. Please find time to review, i would appreciate the constructive criticism and the comments. 

I rolled over in bed, seeking warmth from the body next to mine. The space next to me was empty. Confused, I snuggled further under the duvet cover, trying to avoid the rays of sunlight that were seeping through the cracks in the blinds and reflecting onto the eggshell coloured walls. However curiosity got the best of me. I forced open my eyes to investigate where the other body had wandered off to.

Awkwardly I rolled, more like fell out of bed onto the wooden floor. Rubbing my head to defuse the throbbing pain in my head, I got up slowly and scanned the room. I noticed there were clothes scattered around the room, a laptop on the disk making its subtle whirring noises, various books in uneven piles but what caught my attention was the open balcony door. Rubbing my eyes I sighed. I padded across the room to the balcony in my baby blue dressing gown with matching slippers and stood at the entrance to the balcony. The city was awake. The hustle and bustle of busy office workers trying to get to work, the beeping noises of car horns could be heard in the distance and the shouts of sunday marketers could be heard; each trying to reel in new customers. I looked around the balcony, the various assortment of bright and colourful flowers laid out in pots along the balcony railing. On a normal day of the week i expressed my distaste of the gifts from distant relatives and family friends but this was different. The sun was so bright and powerful, the rays glimmered onto the flowers making the view spectacular and stunning. After all the observing of the bedroom and balcony i had almost forgot my reason for getting out of that warm wooden bed. I looked across to the small round table and saw two mugs with freshly made coffee were placed on the table, the intoxicating smell of my daily caffiene reached my nose. One of these mugs was half full but still hot and in use.

A tall muscular figure was sitting on one of the chairs. I smiled. He turned around to face me, the sun illuminating his glorious shoulder length brown hair and his kind, brilliant hazel eyes. His mouth was curved upwards in a soft smile, despite the evident dark circles under his eyes he was still beautiful. Flawless yet rough skin and a chiseled chin was a prominent feature of his. He patted the seat next to him, not needing to speak any words as i walked over without hesitation to join this handsome man. 

"Good morning" he said with a smile. I found his soft lips on my forehead.

"Mornin" i mumbled.

I was still hazy from the busy week that just went by. I had been exhausted to a full extent this week with early to late shifts, not being able to spend any time with my partner in crime. We were both to the end of our tether at work but still found this one day of the week as refuge and solitude in each other. He gestured to the coffee, made exactly the way i like it; smothered with fluffy cream and filled with milk. I picked up the cup carefully with both hands and sipped the hot comforting drink. Sighing from the contentment it gave me. We both looked up at the bright orange light in the sky and smiled. I looked at him into his eyes and he turned his head to gaze into mine. Infinite possiblities presented itself to me. What if. 

I snapped out of my wandering mind and focused my attention on the man in front of me. His hand found mine whilst his other removed a strand of hair from my face. I faced my back to him and lay myself down onto his chest, as he lay down on the chair, looking up into the blue sky. 

It was rare, precious moments like these that i enjoyed. No work, cups of coffee, blue skies on a hazy sunday morning.


A/N: Please review!

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