No one

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No one cares about me they always care about other people not me

My friends get help and stell I am broken

I have tried to go away from here so many times but they don't work

No will care if I tried to go away will cry but only for a little and then forget about me

My friends will cry but move on with there lives

My best friend tried to kill herself and after she said that I tried to kill myself

I wait for my friends to text me back but they text late

When they don't text me I feel alone and feel like they don't care about me

Every day I look happy but I am not in the inside I feel like someone is killing me inside

I hate to see my friend's crying it hurts me they have depression to

I have tried to cut my skin but I hear my friends voice in my mind saying don't do it

I love my friend's they help me but I all ways feel useless

I hate my self my body and everything about me I hate it

I my friend's are pretty but they say they are not but they are pretty is that they just say they are not

I am Sorry everyone even my family and friends for having me in your life's I am truly sorry

I am sorry that I am not what you wanted me to be

I am a girl that is stupid , ugly , and broken that no one wants me in there lives anymore

Me being here is hurting people that I know

All I see in my mind is me killing myself how people I know would be crying but then forget about me and live there lives

Depression is nothing to play with or make fun of

I am staying to get bullied in school which is making me feel more depressed that I started to hurt myself

I cut and scratch my skin some people know about it and don't care some people care about me hurting myself

They say stop but I keep hurting my skin or myself it lets me feel relaxed

I hate that people care about me but at the same time I feel happy that they care about me but they will leave me

Everyone I care or love leaves me and never come back or they do and act like I don't exist anymore

But I am used to invisible too people or ignored by everyone I hate myself

People hate me and I hate myself and no one cares about me trying cutting and trying to go away.

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