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Summary: River's been out of town so you decide to prepare a suprise for his return, which takes a turn for the worst. Fluff and light smut.

The bond you and River possess is as perfect as they come. If anyone asks you the secret to maintaining a healthy relationship, you would simply respond- honesty. Since your very first date with River, the two of you were so enamored with each other that secrets were impossible to keep. Embarrassing childhood stories were thrown out into conversations without hesitation, and the acceptance you two showed one another was unrivaled.

This all sounds amazing on paper, and most of it is in real life, but a problem arises with couples who are always honest. Specifically, surprises seem to be one of the most stressful things in the world to successfully pull off. For instance, this week River is out of town finishing up promotions for his newest project, My Own Private Idaho, and I plan on going all out for his return. I'm talking little presents he'll briefly mention in conversation, his favorite meal for dinner along with an all out cuddle fest to finish the night.

In order to prepare the food on time, I need to call River and figure out approximately what day and time he will be home without being too obvious. We always call each other at night and gush about our days until one of us falls asleep, but every time I've heard his velvety voice this week, my restraint has grown weaker and weaker. Because of this, I decided to ignore his call last night for the first time. Which in retrospect was probably not the brightest idea, since his calls proceeded throughout the night until the answering machine reached full capacity. Now that I think about it, I should probably listen to those before calling him.

Beep: "Hey [Y/n] it's me, just calling to check-in. It's strange hearing the third and fourth rings in replace of your voice..definitely a feeling I'm not enjoying. I hope you're well. Talking about my day almost feels meaningless without your contagious giggles echoing throughout the hotel room. If you're in the bathroom, call me back when you hear this- okay? Or, if you're already asleep give me a call when you wake up. I don't have to be at an interview until eleven thir-".

Beep: "Okay I tried going to sleep but it's just impossible without hearing your voice. I wonder what happened in your day that would make you fall asleep so early. Nothing too stressful, I hope. Always remember to take in the fresh air and know that I'm just a call away. Although, the weather is growing colder so make sure you're bundled up if you step out of th-".

Now, all of these messages are incredibly sweet and I would react the same way if he did not answer before bed. However, I don't know if our conversation today will be possible after hearing his last message...

Beep: "I'm really worrying now [Y/n]. I know the landline is in the living room, so you're most likely in the bedroom if you're not hearing the ringing. But, you're a light sleeper and always keep the bedroom door cracked so it won't creak as bad when you leave the next morning. I just don't understand why you wouldn't pick up. Did I do something to upset you? No, you would of told me....I'll talk to my manager and see if I can come home after the interview tomorrow. Just...the pit in my stomach is growing every time you don't answer, and it's practically unbearable at this point. I really need to hear your voice right now [Y/n]-".

Okay it's official, I'm the worst partner on the planet. The way his voice breaks at the end of the last message before cutting off makes a lump form in my throat so large, I don't think it will pass until he's in my arms again. River's only a state away, so there should be no time difference.

I rise from the couch I was previously sprawled on and glance at the grandfather clock on the wall- one o'clock. Okay [Y/n], think. River said his interview starts at approximately eleven thirty, so assuming he has no other immediate schedules, he should be back in his hotel room. Do I call now, or wait until tonight? Of course I should call now, I need to hear his voice. But, what do I say? I never thought his reaction would be so severe, so I didn't come up with an excuse before executing my idiotic plan. Enough thinking; call now, think later.

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