Chapter 2

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As I came up to the house I noticed a moving truck at the house next door. which means someone is moving in! Well I'm assuming anyway, surely that's what's happening.

The house had been empty for three months ever since Mrs.Brevets died, she was a rather old lady who had been my neighbor the entire time I lived here.

Someone new is moving in! Maybe I'll actually have something interesting happen.

All I could think about as I walked into the house was who my next door neighbor would be. Would they be anywhere near my age? would they be nice? What if it's just another boring old lady? what if it's a family who only has young kids?

I hope I become friends with whoever is moving in. Then something could happen in my life.

I went to my room and changed into sweatpants then started doing my homework. I guess time got away for me because soon enough my mom was calling me down for supper.

I finished up the paper I was working on and came down stairs.

"Hi honey" my mom grinned as I came into the kitchen.

"Hi mom" I smiled and kissed her in the cheek.

"Spaghetti and meat balls sound all right?" she asked.

"Sounds amazing- and smells amazing" I laughed the last part.

I sat down and made small talk while I waited for my mom to sit down. As soon as she sat down I dug in. As did she, I have to say my mom may not be the best cook but one thing she DEFINITELY can make is spaghetti and meat balls.

As we finished up our meals I got up and took our dishes to the sink. My mom followed me and leaned against the counter as I did the dishes.

"Did you see we have new neighbors?" she asked.

"Ya I did when I was coming back from school. I'm kind of excited." I confessed.

"I'm thinking about inviting them over for dinner tomorrow what do you think?" she asked.

It didn't take me long to think about it before I replied "I think it sounds like a great idea."

"Good. I'll ask them tomorrow while you're at school."


After finishing my homework I hopped in the shower.

Since I hadn't taken a shower this morning I wanted to take one tonight. The water was way to cold at first so I turned up the hot water.

"Fuck!" I shouted as the water scorched my skin, that's way too hot.


After finally getting the water to the correct temperature and successfully showering I walked to my bed with my towel rapped around my waist. Once I got to my bed I dropped the towel and crawled under the covers.


I guess I fell asleep because the next thing I know I'm waking up to my alarm for another boring day at school.

I grabbed a pair of khakis and some boxers and put them on before searching through my closet for a shirt.

I finally decided on the blue and white pin striped button up with a black vest. I put on my shirt and buttoned it up before putting on the vest.

I looked in the mirror and decided it would look better with black dress pants. So I changed into my black pants and went into the bathroom to gel my hair back.

Once my hair was gelled just the way I liked it I brushed my teeth and put on my glasses checked my hair again and adjusted it slightly.


Math went by quickly because we had a pop quiz and then we were allowed to read for the rest of 1st period.

Then I headed to creative writing, it was one of my favorite classes and the teacher was super nice.

Today we were presenting papers to the class still, we had done some yesterday-mine was already done but half the class hadn't presented yet.

All we did was sit there while people presented their papers about themselves.


I got through the day easy until seventh period. I have Art seventh period which is fine except I suck at art... And Tyler Oakley is in my seventh period.

Why does that matter you ask?

Tyler has the BIGGEST crush on me and I don't understand it, he flirts with me any time he's near me.

And today our art teacher made a new seating chart and I got put right next to Tyler.

This is going to be so fun, note the sarcasm.

"Hey Marcel" Tyler whispered "isn't it funny that we sit next to each other"

"Uh ya sure" I told him monotone as I continued the roman collage I was working on.

"It's like were supposed to be with each other don't you think" he giggled nervously, then turned to me and said "Look Marcel I really like you can't you give me a chance we are perfect for each other don't you see it."

I froze, what was I supposed to say. I didn't have feelings for Tyler at all but I didn't want to crush him.

"um Tyler I mean you're nice and all but you know I don't have feelings for you I'm sorry."

I couldn't bare to look at him, I hate seeing people sad because of me. A muffled "oh" was all I heard.

He was quiet the rest of class and he scurried away as soon as the bell rang. I trudged to my last hour wanting the day to be over already, I just want to go home and cry.

Tyler was interested in me, and I hurt his feelings; I should've at least given him a chance he could be the only person ever to take interest in me. I mean I'm not exactly a looker, and it's definitely not every day someone hits on me.

I'm such a terrible person, I hope he forgives me I just hate being the cause of anyone's pain.


I'm so sorry if you actually are interested in this story the writing skills in this chapter are terrible but bare with me the storyline is great if I ever get around to finishing the book :( I'm sorry I never update, I just feel like no one reads it so what's the point. I saw some people voted and commented on my last chapter and it encouraged me to post a new one finally. If you want me to update vote on this chapter or even just ask me to update, it really does encourage me to write. sorry you guys probably don't care. anyway sorry I never update please don't hate me ily all for sticking with me.


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