A day in the life of...

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Warning, the characters are very OOC, so beware

*America pops out of a trash can* 
America: Heyyyyyyyyy, welcome to 60 or something vogue questions! 

Camera person: *points to trash can* Is this where you live?

America: ....No... I come here when England's is trying to talk to me.... yeah, we don't have the strongest relationship........ Anyway, something in here is moving and it's not fun *moves forward and crashes out of the trash can*

Camera person: What's that? *points to a random dead rat in a pool* 

America: OH! that, that is my.... pet, Ratatouille... *reaches into the pool and grabs dead rats tail* Look, he's delightful, but he should go back to bed. *flings rat back into the pool* Don't worry, someone will clean it up, let's do a house tour.

______________________________The house tour___________________________________

*America goes down the staircase, with an expensive looking object in his hands*

America: Welcome to my, MANSION *flings arms and drops object* oop, did it break? Well, whatever! I'm rich I'll get a new one! Okay, so where do I wanna start, how about the kitchen!

_____________________________The kitchen_________________________________________

American: Welcome to the one room that I don't use! 

Camera person: *opens cupboard* 

America: *closes cupboard quickly* Look, the magical fridge! and whats inside *pulls out something* a half-eaten thing of frosting! 

America: *le gasp* look! It's my Kris Jenner cookbook, wanna make something. 

Camera person: No, not-

America: TOO BAD! Here look, Kris Jenner's turkey or chicken cheese enchiladas, looks Italian. Okay, so here is the cheese. It's currently the only thing in my fridge that hasn't been opened yet, ummm, let's see so we don't have any chicken or turkey so, since I'm not in the mood to drive, we're going to just make a shredded cheese and crackers. Let's get cooking! 

Camera person: Fun

America: As you can see, we have some dirty dishes that I don't remember using, so cue the music! 

America: *drops a metal bowl on the floor*  Ooh, okay that's on the floor... Okay, then ask me some questions while I... clean

Camera person: So what do you do in your spare time

America: Oh you know the usual, eating, watching Netflix 

Camera person: So what have you cooked in the past

America: I once cooked pancakes, and then England came over and gave me some food poisoning, you know usual family bond!

*DiNg DoNG*

America: Oh! Who's there! *runs to the door* huff, that's a long run! *opens door* Hello? 

Canada: H-hey, guess who's with me 

America: The FBI?

Canada: No, it's just me, I have a gift

America: OOOH! Come in!

Canada: I got you a fur coat, that you'll probably never wear

America: *puts on coat* I feel powerful, I feel like England in 1765. It's like a new perspective!

Canada: Don-

America: Bring my crown and a coke!

Canada: America, no

America: ExCuSE mE? I SiAd bRInG mE mY cROwn aND a CoKe! 

Canada: America stop

America: Okay yeah, it's scary being England... I never made nachos, but whatever, it wouldn't of worked anyways

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