Meeting the Pack

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Before we went to eat, Waine gave me some clothes to put on and he tended to my hands and feet. "Being a werewolf helps you heal faster but better safe than sorry." and then Waine led me into a large dinning room that was dominated by a huge table. The table was laden with pancakes, ham, bacon and sausages. There were carafes of orange juice and milk. The pack was laughing and joking as they set the table. Waine cleared his throat and gestured towards me, "Everyone, this is...." He trailed off as he realized he didn't know my name. "Ellaria." There were a smattering of greetings. As I sat down, Waine introduced everyone. The girl with the red curls was Britney. The guy with the dark hair and angry eyes was Dustin. A set of twins with the same chestnut colored hair and bright green eyes was Lana and Logan. The final member had blond hair and dark blue eyes. His name was Sam. "We have other wolves who became pack members but they live all over and usually only come around when we have our yearly meetings." Waine explained and as everyone ate, he told them my story. I was grateful. I didn't want to repeat it. Dustin spoke up, "why should we trust her? She was at that commune for months." There was muttering around the table and eye rolls. "She came to us. She didn't have to. They probably tell horror stories about us and she still decided to come here." Lana said. "I'm less worried about her and more worried about how this commune came to be and no one noticed. It's close." Sam said fuming. Logan and Dustin tried to talk at the same time and Britney talked over both of them. Lana rolled her eyes and started eating again. Waine held up a hand and they fell silent. "We need a plan. We'll give Ellaria a few days to rest and then we'll drive to the commune and get a lay of the land the best we can without letting them smell us. She can help with that since she was there for so long. After that, we plan our attack." Dustin glared at me. "Are we going to let her be apart of it? She'll freeze or not want to kill someone. She'll jeopardize us." Why do you hate me? "You don't know me. I wasn't born into this. I was kidnapped and raped and bitten. I was beaten. I was forced to stay there. I planned my escape and came here like Lana said. I could have been like the other women and stayed. Some of them are actually happy there. I will help with the attack and I will kill who I have to and some of them I will actually enjoy killing for what they put them through." The room was silent as I slid my chair back and left the room.

WolfsbaneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora