Somewhere Between

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(Sorry for the profanity coming your way)
Well where to begin well my name is
Dinah yes it's my real offal name anyways I'm currently stuck in the highschool phase of life to be special Grade 10 "sophomore". It sucks ass.
Anyways I have a very large family aka 12 I'm the youngest and my dad committed suicide last winter :curve ball: so now it's just my mom and us those that are left. I'm a single Pringle secretly ready to mingle it's on the down low as of rn, I attended a alternative school consisting of a population of around 200 the sophomores are the upper class men it's fine and boring and freshman are little nastys.
I recently just broke up with my best friend*besti* with in i I know it sounds really cheesy it makes me want to vomit but this besti of mine was a guy. Something you should know about me is that I wear my heart on my sleeve it's a stupid idea but yeah and pretty much all my friends are guys so there's that. Well my besti let's call him Jack, Jack was the one of a kind he was a stoner for sure but he had a bigger heart then me he's 100% a pathological liar he's afraid to be alone he has trust issues. Long story short that we'll get into later we split up and he took a piece of my heart with him.
So yeah pretty much this is all a bunch of pathetic teen ager stuff I'm a contradiction of myself, you only live once, and I love panda express.

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