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So I guess I'm getting back into the fanfiction game. Let it be noted that I've only just started act six, so I won't be including any of the alpha kids or anything for now~

{Karkles' POV}

I yawned, aching to stretch but having no room.

I glanced at my watch- 3:49. This dumb train was supposed to be back to the station 19 minutes ago.

There was a collective sigh as the train wheezed to a stop. Another five minutes of being shoved around and I was outside, taking in deep breaths of air.

I grumbled as I realised I had left my backpack on the train, which was utterly stupid considering I still had my suitcase. I rushed back up the stairs before they closed the door. The conductor threw me a dirty look.

Racist fuck.

You would think humans would be used to us by now....

I snatched my backpack and checked to make sure everything was still inside. It was basically just filled with pictures and useless notebooks, but they were keepsakes, and I would die if someone found them.

I hailed a cab and sunk into the back seat, on my way home for the first time in a year. Though I would never admit it, I missed all my friends while I was at uni.

The cab pulled up to the big worn down house. I purred a bit and the cabbie looked at me oddly. I nodded and gathered my bags, rushing for the door. I kept my cool as I walked in, but it didn't last long. I was tackled to the ground by a ball of fluff.

"Karkles!" Nepeta screamed, and I smiled a little as the others gathered around me with more greetings. I hugged Nep and a greenish blush crept onto her face.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, noticing Terezi, John, Dave, Gamzee, and Tavros weren't there.

"Probably sleeping." Vriska said unpleasantly.

I shrugged and began to pull my bags up the three flights of stairs, to where I shared a part-time bedroom with john on the top floor.

It's cool because we're kind of friends I guess, and it's not like we have any emotional feuds to settle, so...wow I don't know where I'm going with this.

We're roommates.

I was broken out of my thoughts as I was tackled again and something cold and wet came into contact with my face. "What the hell?" I flinched, having become used to not living with a blind girl the past year. "Hello KK" Terezi said in her crackly voice, rolling her tongue back into her mouth.

"Hey fuckass" I said, wrapping an arm around her, not specifically out of sentiment, but because my back was really starting to hurt from being slammed against the hardwood floor.

Terezi's exclamation must have woken up the remainder of the house, because Tavros crept out of his room with hastily put on robotic legs. I was about to question why he didn't have them on already, but Gamzee followed out behind him, wearing nothing but a torn up t-shirt.

Terezi groaned, even she could smell what they had been doing. "Put some pants on Gamz!" I yelled, shielding my eyes.

He ignored me and instead yelled "Karbro!" Running up to hug me with his mostly nude body.

I made a slight gagging noise, and Tavros facepalmed. "Uh, hi Karkat." He did a slight wave and went back into his room.

Dave then came up to me and waved. That's all. I waved back, used to his refusing to do anything that went past his limits of coolness.

They eventually all backed off and I made my way to my room.

I walked in, unsurprised to see a sleeping tufty haired boy. That kid could sleep through anything. I set down my bags and let a smile slip through.

Johns breathing stiffened and I turned sharply towards the window. "Oh, hey Karkat" I heard his voice from behind me, already way too cheery for a guy who's been awake for a matter of seconds.

"Hey" I mumbled, pretending not to be excited I was home. I unzipped one of my suitcases.

"Home" I mouthed the word one more time, smiling again.

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