The Edge of The Omniquadriverse

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So much flashed before Spongebob's eyes, that he couldn't keep up with what was happening. GET ME OUT OF HERE!! He sailed to himself. "WE ARE HEADED, TO THE EDGE OF THE OMNIQUADRIVERSE!" Timelord Baljeet exclaimed. "WAIT!" Albino yowled back at him. "THE EDGE– THE RICE FIELDS– WERE DESTROYED A LITTLE OVER 4.376569 CHROMOSOMES AGO! THE CONQUERORS CALL IT GROUND ZERO!" Baljeet snapped his head backward to face him. "WHAT?! AND KALLÄH NEVER BOTHERED TO INFORM ME?!" Baljeet screech-roared. "IT'S TOO LATE TO GO BACK, TIMELORD!" Albino exclaimed. "WE MUST FACE THEM!"

The came to a very abrupt stop, and Spongebob was knocked off his feet. Before them lay a black and purple smoggy wasteland, filled with shadowy, heartless figures everywhere. Those must be Conquerors, Spongebob realized. "We'll have to fend them off!" Albino exclaimed, rolling himself into a spin-dash and charging straight for them. Baljeet soared into the air and began to do more bizarre hand rituals. Conquerors leapt at both of them, and Baljeet glared down at Spongebob. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING? USE YOUR PROPHETIC ABILITIES!" The holy being yelled. "I... I don't know about any such abilities!" Spongebob loudly replied, as a Conqueror noticed his small body and began to mindlessly charge at him, more heartless shadows beginning to follow the one in the lead.
"At least try!"
Suddenly, Spongebob let out a scream of stress and anguish, which formed into a supersonic yell. Waves of noise flew right past the Conquerors and they shrieked as they began to shrivel to the floor, fading away. Both Albino and Baljeet instantly turned to him as he had killed almost all Conquerors in the nearby radius, both of them with relieved smiles on their faces. Spongebob awkwardly smiled back. He had done it. He had learned about his first prophetic ability: supersonic yelling.

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