I Am Poem

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I Am Poem

I am forever lost in my thoughts and will eternally dwell in a world where everything is more alive than most choose to see.

I wonder if trees brace themselves, if their roots hold on to everything that they have known- that piece of land they have built upon, when we go to cut them down.

I hear the wind whisper perplexing things, as if past spirits were voicing their deepest regrets, begging me to listen closely.

I see the stars shine brighter when the world no longer chooses to ignore their beauty.

I want the world to have two fates and for mankind to care enough to go down the path that leads to giving back what we owe. 

I am forever lost in my thoughts and will eternally dwell in a world where everything is more alive than most choose to see.

I pretend to know that the universe has fates in constant check and stars in perfect line.

I feel the ocean call to the sky, stretching  precariously to brush fingers with its ever-present companion.

I worry that the sun will abandon the earth and we will be plunged into darkness, searching for the unforgiving stars.

I cry for the ones lost and had never to be thanked or mourned, forgotten as if they had never graced the earth with their presence.

I am forever lost in my thoughts and will eternally dwell in a world where everything is more alive than most choose to see.

I understand that some things aren't alive, that not everything I describe is true, though it would be nice if that was so.

I say no one can dictate my thoughts, then so be it if my words don't speak the truth with each syllable.

I dream that one day, everyone will be able to see things in a different light, a calmer, more peaceful one.

I try to delve into these thoughts when I think them, as so much of life seems to go by before I can sit down and dream, and see.

I hope that one day, others can open up to this wonder, this realization that the world is so much more than what is perceived with only the eyes.

I am forever lost in my thoughts and will eternally dwell in a world where everything is more alive than most choose to see.

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