Part 6- The Next Day...

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Cassie woke up to the sun blinding her face. She pulled the covers over her head when she head a knock at the door, a very loud knock, coming from her mom. CASSIE JEN ROBERTS!!!!! Her mom yelled. You could tell if Cassie's mom used your full name you were either in trouble, she was stressed out or you up late. IM COMING!!! Cassie yelled so loud her voice hurt. Cassie got up and open the door very rudely and stomped down the stairs. She had her really super fluffy socks on as she was stomping and fell and eventually started sliding down the stairs funny thing was her mom was watching the whole time. Her mom bulged out laughing and then helped Cassie up. Cassie giggled and went into the kitchen and poured some coca puffs. She had a sleepover with her friend Laura and had to get ready. She out her hair pretty "decent" and put on her red t-shirt and some skinny jeans with cowboy boots. She couldn't wait to tell her best friend what happened!!! Since her friend lived across the street she rode her bike to her house. Laura's house was AWSOME it wasn't a mansion but she had this really cool spinny chair!!! She knocked on the door and heard Laura's German Shepard "Cody" and smiled. Laura answered the door and showed a really excited face. She pushed Cassie in. Cody jumped all over Cassie and licked her face. Stop boy!!! Cassie screamed and then wiped her face with her hand. The ran upstairs to Laura's room. Cassie sat in the bean bag next to Laura in her other bean bag.

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