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We didn't talk that much for a couple months, only shy smiles and cracked jokes here and there

I pretended to be focused on another person so you and your girl wouldn't be suspicious. I even fooled myself into thinking I liked him. Quickly realized I didn't.

Your hair would fall in your eyes, I wanted to be the one brush it away and stare at your eyes.

Those eyes have so many stories never been told, they hold so much pain and sadness no one will ever know

I saw that you were holding so much back, and you wouldn't tell a soul. But you told her, of course you told her. Yet she and others used it against you and they hurt you.

None of us knew what your relationship was like, hardly even you did! I want to be the one for you.

We slowly started talking to each other, my heart's flame grew, but no matter how hard I tried to extinguish the Fire, it grew faster and hotter. I know that fire burns, but I no longer cared

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