Chapter 1

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Sunbeams reached down past the crest of the water’s surface, refracting and spreading out across the sand beneath. To any outsider, the water appeared tranquil and perfect. It was the picture of peace. To those who lived in the ocean and beyond the limited depths of the tide pool, the sea was as unpredictable as the weather. A pair of hazel eyes scanned the highlighted sections of the sea floor, quickly assessing if any potential danger lurked in the warm sunlight.

It was still early morning, barely more than a handful of minutes since the sun had risen in the great sky. Schools of fish flittered about, darting above anemones, mussels, and one or two crabs, who were already digging. Their shadows danced along the sand cutting across the glistening sun rays. Once the owner of the hazel eyes determined the tidal pool was safe, she slipped over the edges of the coral reef she’d been hiding behind. When she entered the shallows, not a single creature was bothered by her presence, for she, like them, was there for a reason.

Often the mermaid was warned about adventuring close to land. The tidal pool’s proximity to humans was a risk, but it was one she was willing to take if it meant she’d find more valuable items to trade. While scavenging further off the coast meant rooting through the skeletons of old ships, scanning the shoreline meant discovering more unique finds. The more unique, the higher the value of the trade. Trading meant survival, so if she needed to swim a bit harder, search a bit faster and then dive into the dark depths away from any potential threat, she would.

She’d spent so many hours scouring the shallows for treasure, her scales and skin had taken on different colors. Unlike the days of her youth, the mermaid’s tail was a golden beige. Her constant treks near the surface had washed away her green and blue scales, leaving her with a tawny color. It helped her blend in with the sand, camouflaging her when she kept still against the ocean floor. The smooth skin of her upper half had darkened to tan, dotted with freckling across her shoulders and face.

Regardless of where she’d been born, her home was now off the desolate isle of Jakku, where the waters were always warm and the sun shone nearly every day. She didn’t mind the heat or the sun. In fact, the mermaid was quite fond of her home, even if it was the only one she’d ever known. At least here she was able to live her own life, no matter how difficult that life may be. Out here, she was free to swim where she wanted and the only master she served was her own stomach.

“Rey!” A rough voice cut through the clear blue water.

Startled, she turned in the direction of the voice’s owner, wincing when she saw Plutt. Internally, Rey referred to the bulbous headed cretin as a hot-headed blowfish. Of course, he was the sole organism who dared trade with her. Plutt was many things but Rey relied on him so she could secure additional supplies and food.

“What do you want, Plutt?” She called over the coral barrier to him.

“You best get back here, girl,” he demanded. “Don’t want to be seen.”

“There haven’t been humans on the island in years,” she insisted. “Besides, I’m too quick for a human to catch me.”

“Fine,” he snarled. “It’s your fin on the line, if yer caught.”

“I won’t be caught,” she snapped back.

Turning tail, Rey skimmed across the gritty surface of the sunlit sand. Though what she’d told Plutt was true, she couldn’t help but feel a trickle of anxiety creep into her normally calm demeanor. She hastened her efforts.

Her eyes scanned the normal areas where treasure got stuck from the changing tides. When all the typical places came up bare, she began searching through the crevices of the reef. The waters had been rougher the last two nights due to a storm passing through. It was likely the power of the waves had hidden any treasure from sight.

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