3 The Circle of Raziel

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When i knew i couldn't do any more for Simon , Dod send me to bed. I layed on my four poster bed and looked at the ceiling and before i knew it the feeling of guilt consumed me. I was responsible for Simon and a vampire has drained him out of his blood. Then i killed said vampire in front of the whole club. My Anger was able to completely consume me and it is possible that the whole shadow world is hunting me because i had showed myself. And i even showed myself in front of the members of my fathers which were called Circle members and theoretical i am one from them.


I was in my Room in the Morningstar manor and was finishing dressing up for the welcome ritual from the Circle. My father had even bought me a new red dress for this event.

I was nervous than i didn't want to bring shame to my father. I was just eight years old, an age which is normally to jung to become a Circle member but as the daughter of Valentin Morningstar there are some qualifications one must fulfill. My brother knocked on my door and became so my attention. “Dear Sister are you ready, father wants to go!” “Yes im coming” i shouted back as i opened the door and linked arms with my brother and together we were going to my Father. When my father looked at me i saw proudness in his eyes and that was making me happy. Together we were going to the hidden cave which was the secret meeting point of the Circle. Everybody was already there when we arrived. My brother and i were falling back and my father goes at the front on a podium an began to speak. “My dear Nephilims, today we have meet to welcome a new member in our ranks, my dear daughter Clarissa Adele Morningstar” Now all eyes were on me, for a moment i looked at my brother and then i were going to meet my father at the front of the crowd. My father were holding the book with all statuten of the circle of Raziel and i laid my right hand on in and spoke the oath of allegiance. >> I hereby declare my allegiance to the Circle and all of his statuten unquestioning obedience… I am ready, at any time to sacrifice my life the Circle to keep and protect the purity of the lineage from Idris and to save the Mundie world which safety we are entrusted with.<< I pulled my hand from the book and my father stept to the side. I stept to the altar and took the ceremonial blade and cut open my hand, the blood which flowed out i let it fall in a pentagram. When my blood touched the pentagram i lighted up in blue. Immediately i was feeling the burning and i knew the indelible rune was now on my skin. My father's hand were on my shoulder and he turned me around so i faced the crowd. He smiled and spoke to the others. “My daughter is now a member of the Circle and she knew that it is an oath to the death” The Crowd celebrated and i smiled because my father and brother looked proudly at me and i was finally a part of the Circle so i was happy.

>>Flashback End<<

When i thought about it today i cannot believe how naive i was. Yes i was eight but i should have knew that the Circle was just a facade and the real reason why my father wanted me to be a member.

Because i was in my mind i haven't noticed the darkness which has befallen my room. >>I was in the Morningstar manor and saw my Father and Brother which were momentary informed from the members i saw in the club about our encounter. When they finished i saw in the face of my brother shock but also hope. Und the look from my father was thoughtful but he also smiled. My brother turned to Valentine “Can it be possible? Father can it really be Clarissa?” One of the men told “Sir, she looked like her mother, her eyes changed from green to black and then to green again. And the blade which she used to kill the vampire had the symbol of the Morningstar the star.”  "Eosphoros" whispered Jonathan. My Father asked “Where you seen by her?”, “Yes Sir, she looked directly at us and than turned around quickly.” “She will want to vanish” said my brother. “Jonathan we should plan to reunite our family and let Clarissa have her rightful place on our side.” told my father. The last thing i saw was a woman completely in red come into the room before the szene vanished<< I opened my eyes suddenly and noticed i was shuddering and was bathed in sweat. I looked at my bedside clock and it showed 05:00 AM. I was standing up from my bed and showered cold. Than i changed in a green top ,a cardigan and a tight fitting jeans. I choose to not draw my rune to let the others vanish. My hair i put in a Dutt and then i left my Room to look at my best friend.

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