Succ and Bucc

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Michael Jackson, 8 Grammy winner and worldwide superstar. He had all success imaginable and more to come. Admiration and infatuation surrounded him each time he stepped out in public, mob of fans desperate for an autograph and pictures. It can all be too overwhelming for a star. A legend sure needs a break. Surely, every man would like a good suck while relaxing. But from whom? That was the question.

August 29, his birthday

As a Jehovah's witness, birthdays and holidays were concepts foreign to him since his family never celebrated such events. As a 26yr old, it was in his hands to want to keep the tradition going or to move on. He quit. Since he didn't have big plans, he sat comfortably in his Hayvenhurst home to watch some cartoons. Now we all know, celebrities tend to have fans who'd want something more than an autograph. Fans who'd try to see where you live or even go as far as going to your house. These so-called "groupies" came to his home wherever they pleased, claiming they share an apartment or have a kid together. He was tired of it all. This particular day, it being his birthday, it shouldn't be a surprise a fan would want to give him a birthday present. He hears his doorbell ring and sighs at the thought of having to get up and answer the door. He opens it and sees a woman, perhaps in her 20's, wearing a tight burgundy dress and her hair being as shiny as Jermaine's forehead. She had nothing in her hands, so he was baffled as to why she'd come in on his birthday with empty hands. She puts her hand up on the door and the other on her hip and says in a seductive tone: "I'm here to give you a birthday present". He can't help but say "Looks like I'm not the one in need of a present, considering the fact your forehead OILY! Lemme give you my dermatologist's num-" She cuts him off with her coffin shaped acrylic on her index finger that has words written on it saying "MJ". Yikes. Looks like a cupcake. She pecks him on the lips and leads him to the couch and pushes him. She's now on top of him and as she's about to unbuckle his pants he says: "👉🏾👈🏾 I have never done this before". She kisses him and as a droplet of her oily sweat falls on his forehead she assures him "It'll be alright, you dont have to be scared Mikeypoo". His esophagus must've felt that, considering the fact he now wants to throw up hearing that nickname. He lets her try to blow him, his brothers never shut up about this topic and he felt curious. As she pulls down his pants, his p**p** is exposed. Overall, he fell asleep because she couldn't fit it in. He was BORED.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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