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I look for the two youngest Weasleys but they are no were to be found. I sigh Probably found a seat already. I set out to find an empty compartment. However, what I find is something truly bizarre. Hermione and Malfoy were sitting together. And not fighting. Only seats left. I open the door and sit across from them. They both look at me with puzzled looks obviously not expecting me. I smile a bit "Hey..." I say "Hermione. I'm not one to judge but...If ton sees this he'll flip." "That has already taken care of Mr. Potter." a deep voice chimes from my left. I squeal and jump up shouting "Holy mother of Snape!!" then I tripped and fell right into said man's lap "Nice to know you think my mother was holy." The firm yet gentle voice of the Potions Master rings in my ears and I must admit...It is the second most comforting thing I had ever heard. I blush like mad and move to get off his lap but strong muscled arms wrap around my waist and Snape buries his head in the crook of my neck. "P-Professor?" I curse my stuttering and weak voice. My body shakes slightly when I hear him inhale my scent. "Luc...His scent is...tainted..." Snape says growling lowly. Lucius leans towards me and smells me then growls a dark primal glint forming in his eyes "How dare that...filthy muggle. His father won't be too happy about this"

My father? "What do you mean? My fathers dead," I say looking at them. The compartment becomes really quiet. I felt a little embarrassed. "Harry...there is something we should tell you..." Snape said. I don't like the feeling of this.

SoRRy, ThIs iS sO shOrT. I'lL maKe a lOngEr oNe nExt TiMe. LoVe YoU pEEps!!


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