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The lads and I decided to go to a bar tonight. We just thought it would be nice to relax from work. It's been 3 months since our first tour from New York and here we are on Los Angeles, California. I was driving our way to that bar we are going to and it a perfect time for us to drink at late 9 in the evening. I parked the car as soon as we got there and we all went out and head inside the bar.

I saw a lot of people were already drunk and dancing- grinding at each other's body. I made my way to the bartender and asked for a liquor. I like liquors than beers- I mean, liquors are stronger than beers, you know. I sat down and saw the lads drinking on my right as well- we took this time to enjoy and be free from stress because working on concerts, new songs and others are really stressing us now.

I am already drinking my 3rd bottle and I am a bit tipsy but I am aware of my surroundings. I saw a girl who has this red hair with purple streak in it. She was beautiful and she was alone dancing. I stood up and made my way to her and she started to grind her back to my front and I couldn't help but love the feeling.

I held her waist and held it firmly, "I'm Ashton. What's your name?" I asked.

She slowly turned and smiled, her beautiful blue eyes sparkle in the lights on the room. "The name's Rhialee." She said.

"Rhialee?" I smirked, "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." I said as she blushed. Then we started to talk to each other about random things. It's so good to know this girl- she's single, she's 19, she used to go to Uni but now she's working because she stopped. She has a broken family, she used to be in an orphanage and she lives somewhere around here in LA.

I told her about my life. About how I don't have a father, never grew with the real father. Has siblings, tours around the world, single, loves the fans no matter what they look like, how I play the drums and other things that she needs to know.

"So Ashton, It looks like I've seen you here for the first time. You're not from here, are you?" she asked.

Oh yeah I forgot to tell her. I mentally hit myself and smiled casually, "I'm not. I'm actually from Sydney, Australia. I'm sorry I forgot to tell you." I said and took a sip on my drink. "When's your birthday?"

"I just turned 19 last May 12. What about you, Ashton?" she giggled after she say my name.

I smirked, "Well, just turned 20 last July 7." I said then she looked at her watch and she cussed under her breath.

"Well, thanks for the time Ashton- I had a fun time with you tonight. But I need to go now, it's late and I still have work tomorrow." Rhialee was about to leave when I grasped her hand and she looked at me confusedly.

"I'll drive you." I said and we head out of the bar and entered my car. "Tell me the directions to your house." then I started the engine and drove off. Rhialee just pointed the directions to her house and it was a short way from here maybe a 20 minute drive.

I stopped the car outside her apartment and we walked out and I walk her in front of her door. She faced me and smiled, "Thank you so much Ashton." Rhialee thanked and unlocked her door then she gave me a kiss on the cheek but I faced her so our lips touched.

I kissed her passionately and rested my hands on her waist and her arms snaked around my neck and pulled me inside her apartment and I pushed her onto a wall and deepen the kiss. My hand were rubbing her sides and I left her mouth and kissed her jawline on it's way to her neck and left heard her moan when I found her sweet spot.

"Let's skip foreplay today." she whispered in my ear and I carried her bridal style on our way to her room. I threw her on the bed and removed my shirt and she bit her lip and it turns me on. I crawled on top of her and started kissing her again.

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