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The darkness shadowed itself into the night sky. Though it seemed to be calm and pleasant from the window-view, who knows what mischievous thoughts are yet to be happening at this curtained hour.


Though it was night, I didn't feel sleepy at all, and yet I remained awake with the lights off in my room. It wasn't like I wanted to stay awake, but rather I couldn't fall asleep. So I stayed laying on my bed, trembling underneath my blanket.

Nothing at that moment felt realistic. The surroundings in my room looked like paint melting off it's walls. And this indescribable feeling I was having, a feeling of being cut off from the world, a feeling of that I might go insane was overtaking me. The soft matress that i would usually sleep on had now felt like laying on a rough-stony pavement. And every time I looked up with my weary eyes, I could see the ceiling closing in me. For some reason, that brought a spark of fear in me, so I sealed my eyes tight in hope for my heart to stop beating so rapidly.

And the sounds. Yes, what bothered me the most were the sounds. Sounds of multiple voices talking to me all at once. But the strangest part was, there was no one else in the room but me. So where were all these voices coming from?

My head throbbed as I clenched my hair with both of my hands. I felt heat surpassing throughout my body, causing me to soak in my own sweat. Was I really hallucinating?

The voices in my head were overlapping one after another, all of them trying to ensure me that everything will be alright. "Don't worry I'm here with you, "spoked one of the voices that was trying to comfort me. This made me even more frightened than I was before.

What bothered me the most was that the voices spoke to me as if they knew me. Am I supposed to know who you are? Who are you? Are you even real? Am I dreaming? After I realized that questioning myself didn't make myself any better, i began to plead to myself. I begged for the voices to just stop so that I can go to sleep in peace.

Hours passed by as seconds do, and before I knew it, the sun rose glowingly over my glass window. My alarm went off, but I let it ring for a while because I was still comprehending with reality. I was still in utter disbelief that it was already time for me to get up even though I remained awake all night. That night I didn't get any sleep. Little did I know that I had more sleepless nights that I had yet to overcome.

Author's note: I wrote this like about a year ago and fixed up some grammar mistakes. I'm still planning on continuing this even though I know I'm taking a long time. So stay tuned!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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