Everything and Anything

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I've always thought about timing. And how maybe one minor detail could affect a bigger mystery. How if one simple change could have made all the difference in the world, whether it be good or bad. I wonder how maybe our failures add up to success. that if a mistake never occurred would things still be the same. If the simplest things were not done, would the complicated things be different. If all the tragic events that ruined a life never happened, would people be stronger or weaker. I think about how maybe if I hadn't done this or that at the exact moment, would my fate be different? I guess that's why we can't decide because if we could go back and erase our faults, our worries, our problems, would we still be happy. Would we still be the people we are today? I always wonder would this have happened, but the thing is it did. That's why I only like to think about timing, i

like that im unable to change it. Everything that has happened to me happened not for any reason at all, but because it just happened. Maybe timing and decisions have everything to do with the future, but would you really want to know what life would be like if you had done something different. I wouldn't because if I knew, I still couldn't change it. Who could handle knowing about a perfect life that would have been theirs had they done something different. Not knowing is all the more reason to keep believing, to keep dreaming, to keep wondering, and most importantly to keep thinking. Time fades fast, but the world keeps going. Everything changes. A good thing goes, but there's always a possibility that a better one can come. Looking forwards and backwards on time is easy to do. It's easy to wish that things were perfect. I guess it's easy to wish we could change our past, but if we did that we'd be setting our future in stone. Time. We can't see it, but we can feel it as it passes us by. Time If you ask me, is really a chance we have yet to take.

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