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When we pulled up to the CDC I took a look around at my surroundings and was speechless. All around there were bodies. The place looked like one of those horror movies Merle would always watch. I was so lost in the horror beyond my eyes that I practically jumped a mile in the air when Daryl tapped my shoulder.

"Memeber what I said right?" He asked. "Right by me the entire time. You stay in front of me where I can watch you and you keep up. You do not fall behind, not here. You understand?"

He was so intimidating and I was already so scared that I had no problem agreeing to that. "Yes Daryl." He looked at me again and then hugged my to his chest real quick. He placed a rough kiss on my forehead and headed out of the truck. I got out and followed him to the bed of the truck where he grabbed a backpack and the weapons. He got down on his knee and pulled on my belt loops to move me closer to him. That's when I noticed that he put a bowie knife on the waist band of my dirty jeans. I went to go touch it but he smacked my hand away.

"No." He said. "You do not touch this in less you have to. If something happens to me then you grab it and you make sure your ass is safe. Get to Rick or Glen and stay by them. And wipe your eyes! Now is not the time to start crying. You focus right now and you don't leave my side unless I tell you. Got it!?"

He was whispering but it was that kind of whisper where it was more of a yell. I quickly wiped my eyes and nodded my head. I knew he wasn't trying to be mean or anything but all I wanted to do was jump in his arms and have him hold me but I couldn't, not now at least. I could be brave, even if I didn't want to.

"I'm scared Daryl."

He ran his hand through my hair and stood up. His face was soft for a moment, "I know princess. But i'm here and nothing will happen to ya. I promise."

That was the last thing that he said before he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the group. I spotted Sophia wrapped in her mom's arms and we just looked at each other before we were shuffled along by Mr. Rick. Daryl pushed me slightly in front of him while he held his crossbow up and looked around. We were in the back of the group but I felt safe because I knew he had my back. Everyone started to cover their noses at the smell. The dead bodies had become a feast for the flies and the smell was enough to make me want to gag. I kept up though. I was not going to fall behind. We came up to the building and I swear everyone held their breath. It wasn't because of the stench though. The suspense was almost unbearable as we waited for the Rick and Shane to try to get the door to open. I bounced on my feet nervously, but Daryl put his hand on my shoulder and pressed down, silently telling me to stop.

"Walkers!" My brother yelled. I spun around and looked behind him and my heart stopped. Coming up behind us were six or seven walkers. Their skin decaying and thier eyes tracking us like predators. There was no life in those milky, yellow eyes of theirs, only hunger. I heard two men in the front of the group, probably Shane and Rick, yelling but I was to focused on the dead creatures coming towards us. My hand hovered above the knife on my waist but I refused to touch it. Daryl's words were still fresh in my mind. My brother had his back to me and shot one of the walkers in the head with a bolt. It fell and quick as lightning he had the bow reloaded and ready.

But just as he was about to take aim we saw a bright light and heard the sound of doors opening. Daryl pushed me towards them and we ran together to get in the building, knowing that whatever was in there had to be safer than being out here in the open. As we piled into doorway the men closed the doors forcefully once everyone was inside. Panting with adreniline I leaned against Daryl and took in my surroundings again. The building we were in was bland and plain looking but smelled of house hold cleaner. My eyes scanned everyone that was with us, mentally checking to make sure everyone was okay. Seemed to be.

Than a man came out of the darkened hallway and asked us what we wanted or something. I wasn't really paying attention to him, but I was to the man that came out behind him. He was stalky and a bit older. His hair was blonde and his mouth held a forever smirk.


The life of Nora dixon Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora