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The defendant, Kang Serin, and defence counsel, Mr Ho Jangmin stand after the Judge instruct them to and continue to say the following once they followed, "Members of the Jury, have you reached a verdict?"

The Jury Spokesman then stood up and reply, "Yes, your Honor, we have." The Judge nodded and asked, "Members of the Jury, on the case of Kang Serin vs. South Korea, what you say?"

"Your Honor, the members of this Jury find the defendant guilty," the Jury Spokesman declares. The Judge dismissed the Jury soon after by saying, "Members of the Jury, this Court dismisses you and thank you for a job well done." The members of Jury then stand up and collect their files before leaving.

"Defendant Kang Serin has been found guilty and so will be imprisoned and sentenced of fifty years to life without a chance of parole for two cases of Class A — first-degree felony murder of victim Lee Areum and victim Lee Angki," the Judge announced the sentence of the Defendant once she is found guilty.

"The court is adjourned," the Judge disclose. The Bailiff stated for all to rise and soon after the Judge takes his leave from the bench.

A dark room with the bright light shining on the table that's separating me and the Prosecutor. A mirror wall on the left but let's admit it, we all know it's just a window for the cowards to hide away in and pretend they're powerful just because they work with the government and is the law officials. One threat, like a snap of a finger, they'll turn against the government and law just to save themselves. Be patient and wait, it'll come sooner or later.

"Took you long enough to catch me, huh?" I laugh mockingly at the prosecutor who's the one to prosecute and hold a prosecution against me. The said prosecutor choose to stay silent and stare at me with an arrogant gaze that screams, "I won, guess who's the loser now?" But it isn't and never will be true so I decided to mock him more, "Don't worry, this would be the only time I lose," I whisper to him, "maybe more will come if you manage to find the already gone evidence which I doubt your slow ass would."

The moment his eyes widen a little, I knew I already won. "Don't tell me..." I place a hand on my heart with both my eyes and mouth agape as if in shock, "you're surprised because you didn't know?"

A furrow on his brows made me chuckle, crossing both my arms and legs, we stare at each other with a straight face. His with annoyance and mine with boredness.

"I'll make sure to find the evidence and make you rot in prison," the Prosecutor finally says after minutes of staring and silence.

I chuckle ridiculously and stare at him fiercely, "And I, my dear," I stands up and bent over the table to lay a finger under his chin, making sure he's looking at me and into me only before I whisper, "will make sure all these pets," I point to the mirror wall with my other hand knowing damn well that they are watching and listening closely as I continue to look into the Prosecutor's eyes, "know their place and kneel on their knees for me, begging for help very soon. I'll make sure they do," I stand straight and end my saying with, "and that includes you, Mr Prosecutor." 

The guards handcuffed me and soon after walking out the building while concealing me away from the flashing of cameras and voices of reporters to ride the bus that will bring me to my soon-to-be home. Once we escaped the waves of reporters and cameras, the bus starts rolling.

When we arrive and enter, the guards for sure is harsh, ushering me to move quickly. "Ouch," I hissed, "Slow down, Sir," I roll my eyes annoyingly already feeling handcuff engulfing into my wrists.

He turned his face slightly to glare at me but I gaze at him challengingly. "What? Just do your job and treat me like a woman, you piece of shit. I'm not the rag doll that you use to fuck your small dick in because no women sees you as a gentleman enough to please their sex."

The guard shoves me against a wall brutally with my face on it before he comes close to my ear to whisper hatefully, "You might want to keep that irritating mouth of yours shut or things will get much worse," he warns me while still pushing me harshly again as the other few guards observes and chooses to stay silent.

I chuckle provokingly, "Offended, Mr Guard? Why?" I glare at him with a smirk painted on my lips while still having my face and body shoved against the wall. "Don't be if it's true," my smirk gets wider before I add, "you might want to keep your pants zipped tightly or things will get much worse," I wink and a guard interrupts soon after to separate him from me. The guard then leads me through the tens of gates and cells before finally stopping at one. A huge, heavily locked metal door appears in front of me.

When it's unlocked by one of the other few guards and we enter, the interior catches my eyes. Just plain white walls and cement floor of two levels with hundreds of ceiling lamps being the only source of light. But a huge cage cell and the tens of guards on both floor with heavily guarded weapons is what really captivated my eyes.

The guard behind then shoved me forcibly towards the cell making me stumble, almost falling if it wasn't for my fast reflective. I turn to glare at him, "Geez, saver boy. Can't you wait for me to see what my living conditions are like for a little while more?"

"Kneel on the ground and face your head to the ground!" The guard started yelling making me weirded out a little. "I repeat once and once only! I said to kneel on the ground and face your head down to the floor. Do not move until I say so!" The furious voice bark. When I laugh to see if they were joking, which — is a dumb idea, all the guards suddenly point their guns on me in a ready position.

"Jesus, oh my goodness, save me," I muttered as I do what is told to. They came into the cell and takes off my handcuffs before leaving out the cell quickly. Oh, so they are afraid of me.

"This," Saver boy points to the cell after I stand up and face them only to see the rest guards lined up beside him while facing me, "is where you'll be staying. As you can already see, the room is and will be heavily guarded and secured 24/7 so don't even try to attempt anything. Each of the bars has electricity travelling through it so think thoroughly before you ever try to get close to it and escape. Food and water will be provided to you twice per day — for breakfast and dinner. No other social contact will be made with any of the convicts or until permission is given. The only other social contact will be Mr Park — your soon-to-be psychologist."

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— FIFI 💛

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