First Day of School

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Allii Pov
I woke up slamming my hand on my alarm clock. I then stretch opening in my eyes to a room covered with aqua colours. Damn they surely know my colours I think to myself I then notice almost everything was in aqua from curtain to carpet. I then remembered I didn't come in here last night maybe dad or Mickey had brought me here. I then got up out of bed and went to brush my teeth, take a shower, wash and dry my hair then change in to some clothes. Since it was Monday morning I didn't bother making any effort in getting ready. I took out a white crop top, aqua blue shorts and a white Adidas shoes. I then put my hair in a messy bun. I took one last look at my naturally blonde hair blue eyes and my perfectly curve body. I was still checking out myself when my brother came at the door. He had black hair unlike me we had the same eyes though everyone in our family did. He was wearing a black V-neck shirt, white shorts and black Adidas similar to mine.
Micheal: Aqua much? he asked rolling his eyes
Allii: your just jealous I'm the one with the white Adidas
We both laugh before heading downstairs
Allii: Good morning mom, I said kissing her cheeks
Mom: Good morning hun
Allii: Have you no manners Mickey
Mom:He....She was cut off by Michael
Michael: Fyi.. If you had gotten your ass up earlier you would have seen me down here twice
Allii: Dick head
Mom: Language!
Allii and Micheal: Sorry mom, we both before Micheal start pulling me through the front door
Mom: But what about breakfast
Micheal: Sorry mom but we are going to be late
Mom: okay hun see you two later
Allii: Bye mom
They both got in a white Ferrari and head of to School
Allii: Just so you know I have never skipped breakfast
Micheal:Will it's a start
Within 5 mins we were at school
I step out of the car and all eyes were on me. I mean yes I did just came to school in the  badness boy in school car but no I'm just his sister. I could hear whispering, some was saying " I wonder if they're doing it" then another saying "ofcourse he doesn't let anything past" then a another " let's see how long they last. "Disgusting" I said before walking over to Mickey. "What's up?" He ask with a smirk on his face. I didn't bother answering just push him out of my way and walked into the school. He then showed me to the principal office I collected my schedule and headed to class. He had Physics while I had maths he did show me to my home room before leaving. "Bye Mickey!" and walked in the class. I was 15 minutes early so there was a small number of students in the class yet they still steered. I got in a seat at the back right beside the window. I was zoomed out I didn't see when the other students came in and the teacher arrived. "Alright class couple more minutes before class starts we will wait on the others," he said before going back to his phone. He was old but not really young either about 30. I was just reading when I felt a young girl path on my shoulder, I looked up to a girl wearing a pink dress that cover a quarter of her body. She had two girl behind her who I think are her minion wearing similar clothes they had on silver dresses and heels I mean who wears heels to school. "I'm need you to stop hanging around my boyfriend, he's mine and not yours," she said with a angry look on her face. " I'm sorry who? " I said with a question look on my face. "Micheal!" She shouted. "Oh that dumb ass," I said laugh ignoring her anger. " his not a... " she was cut it of by the teacher telling us to settle down it's time for call. She gave me a look telling me this isn't over. What a great day to start the school year I thought to myself. I soon had to introduce myself and the day went by, I eat lunch by myself and the day was pretty much boring. Mickey drove me home after school, I took a shower eat dinner. Soon I was in my bed thinking about whether or not I should tell Mickey about the Barbie doll that gave to I decide not to bother him after all I can take care of myself and it's a matter of time before everyone finds out we are related or I can just tell them myself. Soon my eyes start closing and I was out.

So what you think Allii is going to do she's a total bad ass just wasn't going to embrace it on her first day I mean chill she's having fun with the rumors of her swinging her brother. That's just gross at least do some back up research before you Jude God I hate gossip. Don't forget to vote love u all😘

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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