And the Madness begins..

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{hey, i hate to be THAT guy, but don't forget to vote and save my story!
Also sub to PewDiePie.}

You slowly begin to stir awake, finding your fingers intertwined with the Grinch's green fur.
You run your fingers through it a bit more, and look up at the lovely sleeping Who.
He looks so peaceful.

You lean up, and plant a kiss on his little nose.
You'd get up, but you wanna do something..

You stuff your face in his chest fur, and giggle like a fucking idiot.
It feels great, and you've honestly wanted to do this since you saw him.

However, this causes him to wake up, and he looks down at you with a tired bliss.

Oh my~"

He chimes, running his fingers through your hair as you keep your face in his chest.

F l u ffy."

You manage to muffle out, keeping your fingers within his beautiful green fur.
He can't help but laugh a little, amd he leans down, kissing your head.

"You're precious.
Too precious.
I might just die~"

He states with a sly little grin, and you tilt your head up, looking at him with them big E/C eyes of yours from the mound of his chest fur.

The sly smile turns into a whole adoring grin as his eyes fill with a sweethearted gaze.

".. my God."

He mumbles out, staring at you.

You give him a huge grin, and lean up, connecting your lips with his for a sweet moment.

Your heart swells with absolute joy, and you pull away from the kiss, gazing into those beautiful green eyes of his.

".. damn.. honestly, never thought I'd wake up beside the Grinch."

You state, huffing out a small laugh.
He apologetically grins, and he looks to the side.

"Well.. I never thought I'd wake up to anyone that wasn't Max."

The green Who jokes, running his fingers through your hair.
His grin drops, and he looks you in the eyes.

".. ya know, I only 'kidnapped' you cause I thought.. ya know, cause the town loves you so much-
They'd get upset..
Maybe cry.."

He grins at the thought of everyone in Whoville crying, but turns his attention back to you.

".. but I haven't heard a word from them.
It's been normal.
So.. did you burn down a Christmas tree or something?
What's going on?"

You can't help but laugh at his joke-
He's so damn funny sometimes-
And you glance back at him with a grin.

"I told my aunt I'd be coming here.
And.. I've been updating her and texting her ever since."

He looks at you in surprise, and he blinks, looking down.

".. hm.
You're still my prisoner-"

"Even though im here on my own free will-"

"And you're gonna help me bring misery to those damn Who's."

You glare back at him actively.

"Oh, no I'm not."

He glares right back, but with a grin.

"Oh, yes you are."

You turn away, crossing your arms.

"You can't make me."

Oh dear lord, why do you have to say such things.
You're only gonna give him ideas.

You feel his furry green arms wrap around your waist, and you look down at them.

He then slowly puts his head next to yours, and he lowly roars in your ear.

"I can't?
What makes you so sure?~"

You feel yourself heat up as a chill jolts down your spine.
This feeling is so intense..

Do it.

You ever so slightly move your head to the left, feeling his nose against your cheek.

Do it.

His embrace tightens a bit, and you rub his arms in near adoration.

Do it.

Your mind isnt in a good spot.
You.. you'd do anything for him.
Especially right now.

".. I...I...I don't know..
...nothing, I suppose."

He gently places his lips against your cheek, and you feel a helpless smile spread across your face.

"Good girl.
Are you hungry?~"

He chimes, now playing with your fingers and rubbing your hands.

You close your eyes, leaning back on him with the same helpless grin as before.


so, first of all-
I've passed 100 reads and that's amazing for me.
Thanks for reading my terrible piss poor excuse for a fanfiction.
And also, sorry I haven't posted and the fact this is a relatively short chapter, but I've been real busy as of lately.
But anyways, thanks for all the love and support!!!}

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