Chapter 3

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A/N - This is an extra long chapter for you all since it's been forever since I updated. Hope you enjoy it!

Within a matter of minutes, two heavily armed agents entered and handcuffed me. I didn't even resist, I knew this could be my chance to escape. As soon as the handcuffs were on, it was like they thought I was powerless. They harshly shoved me out of the cell and against the wall, forcing me to wait. Another pair of guards appeared from the cell beside mine and Lorna was shoved out of it. She growls at them, causing them to take a short step back. Once they shoved her against the wall, her eyes filled with surprise when she saw me. 

"Dana?" she asked.

"Hey, sis," I say with a smirk.

"Shut up! Both of you!" a guard yells, gripping his baton tightly. 

Reluctantly I listen and follow the army of guards through the halls of the prison. Lorna walked in front of me, making her a prime target for the others to yell and throw random crap at her. As soon as I showed up behind her, their abuse instantly stopped. 

I chuckle at their reaction, making the guards look at me in suspicion. Lorna and I were quickly escorted out of the building and into a transport. One of the agents forcefully shoves me into a seat and locks me in. Once all of the agents had left our plastic prison, I open my mouth to speak.

"Nuh-uh, I'm older. I go first. " Lorna quickly says, I groan audibly, 

"Why was everyone afraid of you?"

"It's the reason I'm being transported... I'm strong enough to use my powers even with the collars. The bully you met got that scar from me. She tried to teach me a lesson. Instead, I taught her one in front of everyone in our cell block." 

"Damn," she breathes out, settling into her seat.

"My turn, how did you get here?"

"Marcos was shot on a mutant rescue. I got angry and attacked the cops, that's how they caught me. If you were stronger then the collars why didn't you break out?"

"I wasn't strong enough to completely use my powers. Even giving her that scar left a scar on me. Plus, I was stronger then..."

"What do you mean you were stronger?"

I hesitate for a few minutes, almost crying over the fact I may never see Danielle again, before answering.

"Because I was in the same situation you are in." 

It takes a few seconds before Lorna clues in. Her eyes grow wide as she processes it all while tears fall down my face.

"You... you had a baby?" Lorna asks in a whisper and I just nod. "Is it John's?"

"Yeah, it is. He never knew and I only found out when I was placed in prison, same as you. I never thought either of us would be parents."

"Me either," 

A moment of silence dawns upon us as we both take in all the information that was given. It was a lot to take in, but we adapt... we have no other choice. After a few minutes, Lorna moves her gaze towards me, a question obviously on her mind. 

"What's her name?" Lorna finally asks. I can't help but smile at the thought of my daughter. 

"Danielle. Her name is Danielle."


"Nice digs you got's homey." Lorna sarcastically remarks to the same agent that interviewed both of us.

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