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  "Valkyrie! Time for breakfast!" My grandma yelled up the stairs. I sluggishly got out of bed and began getting dressed. "Val! Are you up?!?" She yelled once more.

  "Yes," I replied, my voiced cracked like a million times. "Can you grab me some orange juice?" I asked her while I threw a shirt on.

  "Sure sweety! Just come down before your food gets cold." I heard her say as she walked back into the kitchen. I put on some ripped up leggings and headed downstairs to eat. I could feel my eyes closing from tiredness. Ugh...This is what I get for running around in the woods until 10 O'clock! I rubbed my eyes and shook my head.

  "Good morning Grammy!" I said as I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed my orange juice from off the table and took a sip. It tasted pretty fresh. I sat down in the chair next to the back door, where the garden and the woods were. She grew lots of fruits and veggies in the yard. I have no clue how she manages them all. She also grows herbs for us. They'll help us stay safe from disease and infection. Well, that's what my grandma said at least...

After I finished my eggs, toast, and bacon my grandma sent me on a "quest" to find my great, great, great, great...I think you get the point, my super great grandmother's pendant. I have no clue what it looks like, or at least, what it's supposed to look like. All I knew was that it was in one of the boxes in the attic. I decided to try to find it, as I had nothing better to do or anywhere to be. And either way, my grandma said it's been passed down to generations of Solkin women as soon as they turn thirteen.

" this family...our family...were all...well...magic..." She hesitated but finally finished her sentence. I looked at her with wide eyes. Is she kidding? Or has she completely lost it? "Trust me, I was the same way when my mother told me, but because your mom isn't here right now, I decided to give you a surprise!" I gave another questioning look, but still continued to listen. "You know how almost all witches have familiars, yes?" I nodded. She smiled mischievously and told me to wait there. It took a few minutes, but she returned with a box, a large box with small holes poked into the sides and the top. She placed it in front of me and looked at me. "Well? Are you going to open it?" She grinned and I looked down at the box to see a big green eye peering out of a hole. I carefully pulled away one of the sides and before I could do anything else a large, lean black cat hopped into my lap and purred. I flinched slightly from the surprise and looked at my grandma, them back at the cat and smiled. The cat had beautiful green eyes that were full of curiosity and personality. I loved the, familiar, rather much already. "What are you going to name him?" My grandma asked.

"I think I'll name him...Bane. It's short, and kinda matches my name. My name means 'Chooser of those slain' his can mean that he's a scourge or poison, to aid me in slaying people!" I laughed and she seemed amused too. Bane looked up at me with approvement.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2019 ⏰

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