Chapter 3: Initation

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I woke up in the same place some time later, surprisingly to the voice of my sister. Her worried face slowly faded into view as senses returned.

"Wake up!" She demanded. I could feel her shaking me now.

"What happened?" I said wearily.

"You passed out." Came Samuel. He was standing some distance back, his back against the wall. "And, you might've killed a man."

Horror filled my face, yet in truth, I felt anything but at that reveal. I felt a sick satisfaction. I tried to suppress the emotion, to show horror and surprise, but everytime I could feel my lips curve into a sick smile.

"It might've taken all of your strength, but you did it." He sighed. "The Cornel most certainly has a use for a child who can beat a fully trained soldier, though I have no doubt he has a scolding prepared for you."

"Perfect." I said sarcastically. "You're not angry about me killing one of your friends?"

Samuel shrugged. "That man was an asshole." He said bitterly. "He deserved what he got."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "So, what does all this mean?" I asked, my childish mind demanding answers.

Samuel smiled. "It means you're going to be a soldier. You're going to be trained to fight. Just like you wanted."

A bright smile crossed my face and I hugged Samuel's legs. He looked at me, surprised, before ruffling my hair. I smiled at him. He was giant compared to me.

"One day, I'll find a way to repay you." I vowed.

Samuel smiled. "Child, I don't need to be repaid." He said. "Watching you grow is a gift in itself."

My childish mind didn't understand the meaning behind his words. I didn't care. I yawned. Bed called for me.

"I need to go to bed." I told him.

He smiled, taking my hand and leading me off the beds. Once there, I threw myself on it, wrapping myself in the surprising soft blanket. I looked up at the stone ceiling. Tomorrow would be a day to remember...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2019 ⏰

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