Rescue Mission

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I was surprise when I looked up as the glare of shera was somewhere faded. It was like he can relate with the feeling of Jhiv's feeling and his furious glare have now become a soft sympathy smile that saying loudly he can perfectly understand.

I am unable to understand what is going with their silent talk and try to break ice.

 Gauri (coming toward Jhiv ) :- But are you alright , Do you need anything like a medicine or need more sleep etc?

When I just completed my statement at that moment a loud growl come from the direction of Jhiv. Everyone attention caught by that growl.

   Jhiv suddenly blush with embarrassment .

Jhiv(embarrassing) :- can you please provide me something to eat?

Smile slip from my mouth at the childish way Jhiv ask for food , which is cute . I asked Kanak to take out one of the home made tiffin which mom packed for him.

 Kanak open the door of car and Agni help to take out all the packed stuff at that time Shera averted his eyes toward Jhiv again.

Shera :- Do mind if I ask you end up like this ?

Shera is straightforward while talking and have strong opinion regarding anyone.

Jhiv firmly response his answer.

Jhiv :- Actually I was travelling with my master and unfortunately we encounter that Damn Chedipe and she attack us , while I was fighting she fly away with shivam , that damn bitch , I gonna make her suffer worst then the hell.

Shera :- ( glaring ) language !!!

Jhiv (looking toward me ) :- Sorry , I am not a person to speak like that in front of young lady but it's like  …

He started to look down . I can understand after he lost his master , he is quiet disturb. It is like he have tornado inside him which will not quiet unless he find his master.

  Gauri :- It's OK , but firstly you should calm down because unless then you can't clearly think about it .

 In that instance Kanak and Agni open up the packed lunch and started to unwrap it .

     A growl skipped from Jhiv's tummy.

Shera asked kanak and agni to unpack the lunch quickly and give something light to eat.

    When we have fulfilled our stomach, we all are thinking of how to save Jhiv's master.

     Until then Agni come up with the idea of tracking the aura of Jhiv's master from the Jhiv's nishaan .

    Kanak appreciate Agni for the idea.

After a while Agni ask Jhiv to show his nishaan.

When Agni saw the nishaan his eyes were brimming and he said we can find your master , so don't worry.

   Jhiv was relaxed now and looking toward Agni as a god's blessing.

    Agni started to cast a magical spell on that nishaan and afterward that nishaan started to glow , it was so bright that it even hurt my eyes. But thankfully it help Agni to get a track of Jhiv's master.

      After half hour later Agni towards me and started to give me a report which he analysis from the whole situation.

He quoted that Jhiv's master is easily tracked in the dark dimension and that can not be produce by a normal chedipe , it must be the member of Asura's clan members work.

   I while listening to the story just to the conclusion that we need to save him and that's all. Therefore I asked Agni that it is possible for us to go there and save him.

   Agni replied that it is possible but we require the blood of your clan mam.

Listening to that Shera started to fume and said that it is not possible.

      I ordered Shera to listen  Agni completely.

    Agni told us that they need the powerful aura that can break the gates of dark dimension and which can only be possible with my blood as I am not awakened with my power yet. He mention that the nishaan will help us to locate his location in the dark world.


      I try to console with Shera. Shera suddenly ask why you want to help this guy ?? I was shocked as the question was sudden as there was no answer as I just want to.

           I look down with the sad face . Shera sigh and said can't helped and agreed to the plan but warned that if he felt any danger he will withdraw the plan there.

       After the warning Agni and kanak start preparing for the ceremony and brought every thing that is required .

I was looking to everyone , they all our busy . My eyes caught the attention toward Jhiv , he was so restless. I patted his back and said everything will be alright. He smiled back and thank you me.

  Shera come toward us and said that preparations are done. He again ask are you ready and I replied yes.



Hii guys

Sorry for not active for such long time. So , I hope you like this update and enjoy it. Tell me what you like about it.

Your penfriend



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