17th May, 2009

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A week ago, the CEO scolded me for speaking of the company and about my personal life on a variety show that aired. I was so scared to get criticized by the CEO that I barely spoke on the radio show we attended the next day.

I don't know if it's obvious, or not, but I'm actually not having the best time at the moment. Yeah, I might be crazy saying that I'm not happy. But I'm actually struggling. My group still won't get along. They just act "perfect" for the cameras. Have I mentioned the cameras yet? They're everywhere we go. It's hard for me to adjust to having cameras on me and my group all day.

We have no privacy. I have no privacy. Somehow people found out about my family background and are spreading rumors. Things are turning upside down. I just want it to be over. What happened to the positivity?


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