Chapter 30: cry

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Shane: So you used to hangout with a bunch of people why don't you anymore

Me:I take myself out of situations that aren't good for my personal growth so basically what happened was the people o used to hangout with got into smoking and drinking like normal teenagers do at this time so I decided that hanging out with them wasn't good for me moralaly

Shane:right so do you have a lot of friends



Me:*sighs* Because I'm in the position I am its very hard to find someone real even with other YouTubers my age that don't just want clout. So I just gave on up finding friends all together


Me:yeah so..

Shane:alright well let's us take a break

We went downstairs and Shane and Andrew were in the kitchen talking with my dad and I was out on the patio with Quan we were sitting on the chair outside and I was on his lap he had his arm around me.

Quan:you okay


Quan:how about tonight we go out maybe watch a movie and get some dinner

Me:*smiles* I love you

We kissed Shane came outside

Shane:Hey would you mind talking about your relationship for the documentary


Andrew started recording and Shane sat next to me and Quan went inside

Shane:so who was that

Me:that was Quan my boyfriend

Shane:didn't you date him before and I thought you were dating some other kid

Me:So let me just tell you the story I was with Quan 11 months ago before anyone. This sounds ridiculous but I love him, anyways something happened and we broke up. 4 months later I got together with Harvey who was nice but after I got cancer and decide store chop my hair off myself he told me that he can't be with me because I can only be pretty with long hair.

Shane:oh my god

He covered his mouth

Me:yeah and since Quan and I broke up he was still there for me ya know so naturally we got back together plus my dad really likes him so

Shane:I'm so sorry

Me:it's okay *smiles*


Shane and I were now in my dad's room in the itailian corner and Andrew was filming and it was dark outside.

Shane:So being in the position you are in you said earlier that it's a curse and a blessing what do you mean by that

Me:Well it's a blessing cause ya know I have things most kids don't have and the opportunities I have most adult don't have so in that sense it's great but in another it's like the hate,the fact I'm not allowed to be upset or stuff like that

Shane:your not allowed to be upset what do you mean

Me:like if I post something on Twitter or an Instagram story where I'm upset about something I get why are you upset you shave everything you want like money and a mansion and you can do whatever you want you have so reason to be upset your a drama queen. It's almost like because I'm famous I'm not allowed to have a bad day


Me:I mean I get there point I'm absolutely blessed but there are things that fans don't see like they don't see me running around all day and putting out music,YouTube videos , making sure I post on ig, and Twitter so i can make them happy but I also deal with my personal stuff and there are days were I just break down

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