Chapter Fourteen: The Beginning Of The End

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Warning: contains sexual content and mild gore


The next three days are...weird. Taylor and I still talked but there was an awful stiffness about it. If I tried to bring up whatever was wrong with her it'd turn into a screaming match. Things weren't running as smooth as I would like them to. She stayed in the guest bedroom, I stayed in mine. Sometimes we'd visit The Bubble, the Really Cool Place, walk Mozart, make the most of our time here. But it was all so...weird.

I lie on my back on my bed. Jerry walks in.

"Hey", she says.

"Get out of my room, I don't wanna talk to anyone right now", I moan, turning over on my side.

"I need to tell you something, kid", she says, ignoring me and sitting on my bed.

"Jerr, please"

"It's about Taylor"

I freeze.

"...What about her?", I ask and turn myself to face Jerry.

"I see how you look at her", she says, "I see how you hold her, how you speak to her"


"...I know you like her, Ell"

I sigh, heavily and put my hands over my face.

"Was it really that obvious?"

She laughs, quietly, "So how long have you been in this relationship?"

I gasp, "How did you know that we were going out?!"

Jerry smirks, "I do now"

I blush, "I fucking hate you"

Jerr laughs and raises her arms as I throw a pillow at her.

"There's something else I wanna tell you!", she giggles.

"Oh, god I don't think I can handle much more of you", I groan.

"Indy is in the next room with Taylor. Right now. They're doing each other's hair, scrapbooking, watching old movies...knitting. For some reason"

"...So?", I say with a halfhearted shrug.

"So?! So those are the things that you should be doing with her for the rest of the week!", she says, punching my arm.

"Ouch! Look, I don't know what's happening right now. We still hang's just...different"

Mum walks in with a laundry basket.

"Oh. Hey, you two. Ell, did you hear about the dance coming up? James was asking about you the other day. I met him around the square and-"

"James?", I interrupt. I had never called him back. "Oh god, James!", I moan, face palming.

"Alright, drama queen", Mum says, putting bundles of clothes into the wash basket, "there's going to be a meteor shower over NZ! The town's hosting this cute little dance so everyone can couple up and watch it!"

"And what you're trying to say is?", I ask.

"Um, hello? James asked you to go with him!"

I gasp. Jerry makes an awkward "this-didn't-go-as-planned" face.

"I'd be happy to go dress shopping with you!", Mum smiles.

I can't speak. This is terrible.

"Uh...When is it?"


"Tomorrow?!", Jerry and I ask in unison.

"I didn't stutter, did I? Today's the perfect day to go shopping! What d'ya say, yeah?"

Two Weeks of Blue (UNDER EDITING)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora