Who are you

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Sakura's POV*

'WHO ARE YOU , ANSWER ME ' i screamed

'Hehehehe were sasukes men and he said we can doo whatever to you whilst hes keeping itachi busy'the man said with the rest staring at her hungrily

'you cant take me down that easily ' i said running up to him kicking him in the stomach 

'why you little brat''smirks''guess we gotta have soe fun with you''eyes her down

''hhmph give it a try , you wontt succeed ''i said

at that point she had angered them of course sakura won over all but as she thought one wwas left but he was in full strength she wasnt so she took a step back but he was suddenly behind her and whispered something 'im not like them there week' at that point she was left trembling she new what she was in for

'Now come here 'slams her on the floor onto her back and looks down at her helpless body smirking ' lets get started

'dont you dare'i said trying to kick him but he blocked it and got on top of her making her groan in pain

'you know i miight take you , sasuke doesnt care right 'he said touching her thighs

'now dont please ' i said nearly tearing up

he smirks ' that  it plead louder nobody can here you ' as he said that he grabbed her and ripped her shirt off but causing her pein

Itachi's POV*

'Im coming sakura' i said scared for what might be happening 

itachi heard another scream toward the south so he headed that way fritting is teeth so hardhis mouth started to bleed

'damit why does this feel like this has happened before , it feels so painfull'starts crying

once itachi mmade it wear sakura was the sight he had seen made him even more angry sakura was laying on the floor with only her top off with bruised top body along with her lips but luckily she wasnt taken yet but once he saw the man approaching her he flippped

'dont you touch her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' i said punching him and punching him he lost control but that stopped once he heard a whimper from sakura who was muttering words and the only thing he could make out was 'please dont hurt me' it broke his heart

'sakura,walks up to the lying figure and re'dresses her picking her up' ill take you far away where no one will hurt you , ill leave the uchihas 

Leave me alone I want to be alone (Itasaku)Where stories live. Discover now