school trip pt. 3

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Peter walked slowly behind the rest of the class and wrangled his fingers together inside of his hoodie. He was nervous to say the least. Natasha had all the power in this situation. She could embarrass him for sure by asking him all sorts of questions. But Peter did have the upper hand here in one way. Flash didn't know who Natasha was. For some reason, whenever Flash has an agenda to embarrass Peter, he never focuses on anything else. So Flash didn't even realize that that was Black Widow with him. Peter smiled at himself before heading to the back of the bus to sit down. Ned and MJ had saved him a seat.
"Dude? Why are you smiling?" Ned asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Natasha's volunteering and Flash doesn't know," he said grinning wildly now. MJ looked up from her notebook and raised an eyebrow.
"Wait- Natasha as in Romanoff?" she questioned. Peter smiled a little wider at the thought that MJ of all people interested in her /secret/ idol. MJ had always idolized Black Widow, and Scarlet Witch for that matter. She'd met them both several times since she was Peppers assistant. Oh yeah- MJ had an internship too. With Pepper Potts. Ned didn't have one, but Peter overheard Mr. Stark talking about hiring him to help with making security measures better.
"She said she'd meet us at the tower and she'd be walking around with us," Peter replied.
"Woah," MJ said. She went back to her book seconds later, sketching out random things. Peter was about to plug in his headphones when a familiar voice hit him.
"So- Penis Parker. Who was that girl you were with this morning?" Flash asked, leaning over his seat.
"None of your business, Eugene," he mumbled a little too loudly.
"What did you say?" Flash asked almost gritting his teeth. "Couldn't have been your mom. Cause y'know. She's dead," he emphasized on the word dead. Peter took a deep breath and ignored him.
"Penis. Answer me." Peter continued ignoring him, a mistake he'd regret. Flash's hand came down and smacked his phone out of his hand. He then proceeded to step on it with his heel.
"Oops," he said sarcastically.
"Are you fucking serious?" Peter shouted. He grabbed his phone off the floor and put it in his bag.
"What? You're too poor to buy another one?" Flash kept teasing.
"Quite the opposite, dumbass."
"Boys! If need be you two will be left behind. Now clean up your acts before I give you all detention for the rest of the year!" Mrs Johnson shouted from the front of the bus.
"We're here. Now if I hear one more argument between you boys," she gritted her teeth, but was interrupted when a raven haired woman came out of the building.
"Hello! I'm Katie! I'll be your guide today," she grinned. Peter had talked to her before, usually when he came in through the front instead of the other entrance. They talked for a while before he actually had to go in. 
"I have passes for everyone. Please put them on. Stark Industries will not replace lost passes and if you are seen without one you will be escorted out. We will also not be replacing badges! It's part of Mr. Stark's recycling movement!"
Katie then began to hand out passes to everyone in the room.
"Alright. Now everyone will walk through here and scan your pass like this." She then demonstrated how to scan it and Friday's voice came on.
Katie Veloz, Level 2
Level 5; Expiration: 3 hours
Level 2; Expiration: Never
Oh fuck. He forgot about Friday. So much about concealing his identity. Everyone clipped their passes around their necks until Peter realized he didn't get one. He looked to Ned and MJ, but they got passes. Peter shrugged and pulled his own out of his bag. Of course, Flash noticed.
"Hey! How come he didn't get one!" he shouted at Katie. She turned her head towards where he had pointed. The rest of the class turned too.
"Peter is an intern here, did you bring your pass?" she smiled. Peter felt pink slightly rise in his cheeks as he nodded.
"Continuing on, you guys only have a Level One pass. Meaning you are guests, tourists, businessmen exc. You have access to all the lower meeting rooms, lower cafeteria, and a few other rooms. To access higher levels, you will need someone of a higher level," she raised her own badge as an example.
"Now, one by one scan and walk through the door."

Adam Tracker Level 1                                                                                                                                     Expiration: 3 hours

Renee Creighton Level 1
Expiration: 3 hours

The list went on and on until it was Peter's turn. He took a deep breath.

Peter Parker Level 10 + 1
Expiration: Never

The class turned around and stared at him for a few seconds. Flash had his jaw dropped and nobody spoke. Peter turned a light shade of crimson and tried to ignore the attention. Suddenly the wall was the most interesting thing in the room.
"I'm here for the trip?" a voice rang out from the hall. Natasha stood at the end of the hall with her black combat suit on. Peter made thankful eyes at her and she winked back.
"Ms. Romanoff- uh I didn't think you'd be joining us," Mrs. Johnson commented, stuttering quite a bit.
"I'm actually going to join later, just came to say hi to someone," she walked over to Peter, ignoring the stares of the class as they followed.
"Hey маленькая вдова," she said grinning. He groaned.
"I told you to stop calling me that," he tugged at the sleeve of his hoodie nervously.
"Now that's no way to talk to your favorite aunt," she teased playfully.
"How do you know you're my favorite? How do you know it's not Aunt Wanda? Or Aunt Maria?" he raised an eyebrow at her.
"A little birdie came and told me about how you said you'd rather spend the day with me than help him with something," she winked.
He groaned again. "Clint."
"Yup. I'll see you later маленькая вдова. Also, you left your math homework in my room yesterday, seemed pretty boring," she smirked, ruffling his hair. At this point, he just blew out some air and accepted the fact that his hair will never look the same again.
"Bye Auntie Nat, I love you," he mumbled as she walked away. He turned his attention back to his class which was staring at him with confused faces. He sighed and looked as Katie tried to drive the attention away from him by leading them into the elevator.

 "We're going into one of the higher labs now. Dr. Banner is working right now, so we have to be quiet until he finishes. You can look around, but please, please, do not touch anything." The elevator lurched to a sudden stop and the doors opened smoothly. The class walked out and a chorus of 'oohs' was heard. Peter merely glanced across the room to try and distract himself from the last few minutes. He didn't even know Dr. Banner was currently giving a speech and only came back to reality when he felt an arm on his shoulder. He shook his head quickly and looked at who the arm belonged to.                                                                                                                            "Hey Pete, can you look at these formulas real quick? I know you're on a trip and all that, but I haven't been able to figure out what went wrong," Bruce immediately yawned after. Peter raised an eyebrow.                                                                                                                                                                            "Bruce how long has it been since you've slept?" he questioned. Bruce held up a few fingers.        "Well, I got a few hours in Tuesday, and today is Wednesday," he said as if it was obvious.                "Bruce it's Friday. I'll check your formula while you go take a nap. No alarms or anything. Just sleep until you wake up. Then you can come find me," Peter said. He placed the tablet down on the table and put his hands on Bruce's shoulders as he led him out. He muttered a quiet, 'goodnight bruce,' but he hadn't heard. When he turned back into the lab, his classmates were already heading into the elevator again. He sprinted after them and got in last second, with his teacher looking at him with scolding eyes.

маленькая вдова - baby widow


next chapter will have more spideynat i promise, also peter taking care of everyone is so cute i just wanna jump of a cliff cnwfewfb

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