6. Luke

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So, I'm currently on my way to a lunch time detention; surprise, surprise. Mr Jones gave it to me earlier today for throwing a rubber across the classroom, which I think is absolutely pathetic. But it sucks nonetheless, because I kind of wanted to see Dani.

I had such an amazing time last night. I feel like we got through the first stage; you know, the "awkward getting to know each other first proper hang out" stage, and it went surprisingly well. I'm so glad she invited me out, because I had honestly lost all hope of ever being friends with her after the way I acted last Wednesday. Trying to talk to her about her home life was a dick move by me, and I know that now. I know not to bring it up again, well, at least not for a while.

I'm not going to give up, because she needs to know that she's got someone she can go to when things get a little rough, and I want that person to be me. I want to be there for her and I don't want her to be alone, because she doesn't deserve any of the shit she has to live with.

I push open the creaky wooden door to the teacher-less detention room and quickly take a seat at the front, not bothering to glance around to see who else is in here. It sounds pretty quite anyway, so it's probably just me. I wouldn't be surprised if it was; I swear all of the teachers in this school have a mutual hatred towards me.

Although I'm suddenly distracted from my thoughts as I hear a small, muffled cough from the back of the room. I immediatetly turn my head around to put a face to the noise, and my face lights up as I see her.

"Hey," Dani says, rolling her eyes at the fact that we're both in detention together.

"Hi," I laugh, getting up out of my chair and taking a seat next to her.

It's silent for a few seconds, until she thankfully speaks up. "So Luke, what terrible crime have you committed today?" She giggles.

"I threw a rubber across the room to Michael," I say sarcastically, making her laugh. "I know, I'm pretty badass."

"You're so rebellious, Luke. I can't believe you would do something like that," she gasps jokingly.

"I like to live life on the edge, what can I say," I smirk.

"Oh, really?"

"Totally. Danger is my middle name. And adventure. Yeah, danger and adventure."

"You have two middle names?"

"Erm, yeah. It's double barrelled."

"Can you even have double barrelled middle names?" She laughs, as I give in and do the same. "Luke danger and adventure Hemmings. I like it."

I chuckle to myself, so happy at how relaxed and comfortable she is acting around me. It makes me feel so good about everything, like I might finally be getting somewhere.

"So, anyway, why are you in here?" I ask spontaneously.

"Late," she mumbles, tucking a piece of stray hair behind her ear nervously.

My head tells me not to say what comes out of my mouth next, but my heart just won't listen. "You know, Dani, if you told someone the reason why you're always late I'm sure they wou-"

"Luke," she interrupts, placing a finger gently to my lips. "Don't."

"Sorry," I mumble, smiling weakly.

"It's okay."

"Anyway," I say, restarting the conversation. "About danger and adventure?"

"Yes," she answers.

"Erm, what would you say if I asked you to trust me?"

"Er, I guess I'd say okay," she replies positively, to my surprise.

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