Chapter 1: Into The World of Unknown

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I'm Haylie and I'm human... Well

try to be... I'm apart of this super natural world called "The High Life", where we are chosen to be a Mythical Being. Meaning a vampire , werewolf, mermaid, fairy, wizard, or ghost. Myths in the real world but for us it's the way we live. The way it works is that when people of The High Life are born as a human and are given 15 years to learn about the different ways of life. On your 16th birthday is when you have to choose what you want to be for the rest of your life... I'm a wizard, my parents they are vampires along with my older brothers Zack and Dylan. I'm the black sheep of the family but its what I wanted. I wanted something other than the life I've already seen. What's great about it is that I get to live life normally with school and friends and... Boys. Best part is that its not a dream anymore...

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