Chapter 2

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When Scrotie McBoogerballs boarded the train he sat down in a puddle of three day old sour hobo piss. It felt warm and soothing to the skin on his thighs, covered in frothing opened sores oozing yellow fluid out of tiny holes. The train started rolling down the tracks passing a billboard featuring that foul bitch Sarah Jessica Parker. It was so disgusting that Scrotie vomited right into his peanut butter and moldy shit sandwich that he would have later that day. He wiped his mouth and yanked the cord to get off the train. Seeing Sarah Jessica Parker's salty cunt-face made him feel sick so he had to go see a doctor.

On his way to the hospital he saw a horny menstruating horse. This made Scrotie McBoogerballs curious. So Scrotie walked over and shoved his head up the horse's gaping vagina and chugged down a load of horse jizz mingled with the equine beast's menstruation soaked vaginal fluids. He gasped and almost forgot about Sarah Jessica Parker, but when that image came back into his mind he shoved his head back into the horse's snatch and wretched out the contents of his stomach.

Soaking in horse goo Scrotie walked into the emergency room and took a shit on a pregnant woman. He rubbed the milky turds into her hair until the doctor would see him. The doctor began by shoving a needle in his left testicle. Yellowish green bacteria laden cum shot out of the punctured testicle onto the Doctor's face.

"What seems to be the problem?" asked the Doctor.

"I saw Sarah Jessica Parker." Scrotie McBoogerballs answered.

"Oh my, this is bad." the Doctor said.

"Give it to me straight Doctor." Scrotie said.

"You can't simply un-see that bitch. You can burn your eyes out and soak the sockets in week old semen and scald your brain with motor oil but it won't help. There's medication I can prescribe to help you with the symptoms however and you will need to come in three times a week for be to shove this scraper down your urethra to clean the dried out crusted man-splooge that will get backed up in there." the doctor told him.

"How much will that run me Doc?" Scrotie asked.

"Oh I'm afraid your insurance won't cover that. Miss Jessica Parker's rat feces eating lawyers sue anyone who tries to provide compensation for anyone who sees her hideous mutant retarded fish-frog-squirrel face. It's Obama's fault really for caving into the mutant lobby. It'll run you about 3000 dollars a session." the doctor told him.

"Holy shit!" Scrotie exclaimed. "I'll take my changes with holistic medicine." he continued.

So Scrotie McBoogerballs left the hospital and went outside where he left his dog inside an obese pimple covered man's asshole. He took his dog out and gave it a rim job before walking off to look for used condoms to put in his coffee. He shuddered at the thought of that horrid bitch he had seen. How could anything be so disgusting he thought? He jacked off into his dog's mouth and dropped a handful of bees into his pants before skipping off merrily to Starbucks

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