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Gabby's Pov

-the next morning-

"Hey Gab" Nash says walking into my room

"Morning Nash" I smile

"The boys have made breakfast if you wanna come downstairs" he smiles

"Yeah okay, I'll be right down" I reply

He nods

"Also, I'm doing a new youtube video today, how about I introduce you to the fans in the video" he suggests

"Are you sure? What if the fans don't like me" I look down

"You need to stop worrying about what people think of you, it's what you think of your self that really matters"

"Thanks Nash"

"We also need to set up some social media accounts for you" he chuckles

"Okay okay, I've just woken up. Give me time to adjust" I laugh at my brother


"You ready?" Nash asks me

"As ready as I'll ever be" I smile

Nash is about to start recording

"Hey guys, today I have some important news for you. I found out that I have a twin sister, her name is Gabby and she is from London, England" Nash speaks into the camera

"So I tweeted out for you guys to ask us some questions, so here we go" he hands me the phone

"Who are you?" I read

"My name is Gabby Grier and I am Nash's sister" I say nervously

"How old are you?" I read

"I'm 16 years old" I answer

It went on from there.

"So that's it for today guys, thank my wonderful sister for being in my video today, we'll be setting up social media accounts for her so make sure you go and follow her. I love all of you, peace out!" Nash stops recording

"That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be" I laugh

"I told you it would be fine, now let's get your accounts set up" he chuckles

"Okay, what first?" I ask

"Twitter fo sure" he says in his accent

I set a twitter account up and made my user @Gabbygrier

I also made a Instagram, Vine, YouTube channel and so on.

I never imagined I'd be living this life

"Hey Nash, do you think it would be okay if two of my friends came to stay with us?" I ask him

"Yeah sure, just ask mom and dad first" he replies

Casey's Pov

I miss Gabby so much, it's just weird without her.

I walk past her old house and forget that she doesn't live there anymore

It's not the same without her, yeah I've got Jake. But he's no Gabby

My phone rings

"Hey Case" Gabby says cheerfully

"Hey Gab" I laugh

"Guess what!"


"My parents said you can come and stay with us if your parents are okay with it" she speaks

"Seriously?" I nearly scream

"Please don't deafen me" she laughs

"But yeah, just ask your mom and dad" she speaks

"Mom? Seriously Gab" I laugh

"Did I say mom? I didn't even realise" she laughs

"Anyway, I'll ask when I get home. Speak to you later Gab" I speak

"Speak to you later"

We hang up.

I hope my mum and dad say yes, they know how much I miss Gabby.


"Hi Casey, how was school?" My mother asks, as she cooks

"Same old, mum..."

"Yes?" She turns to me

"Gabby's mum and dad said it would be okay if I went and stayed with them for a bit. Please mum, you know how much I miss Gabby" I plead

"What about your studies Casey" she speaks

"I can do online schooling like Gabby, mum please I just wan-" she cuts me off

"Okay okay, just for a month, then you come back home" she rolls her eyes

"Thank you so much mum, I love you oh my god" I jump and hug her

"I'll go and book you a flight now, you'll leave tomorrow honey" she smiles

"Thank you! Thank you!" I jump around

"I know how miserable you've been without her" she gives me a half smile

I finally get to see my best friend again.


*FaceTime call*

"Hey Jake" I smile

"Hey Case, what's up?" He asks

"I'm going to stay with Gabby for a month, you need to ask your parents if you can!" I smile

"That's awesome, I'll go ask them right now. I'll text you okay?" He says

"Okay, bye Jake"

I hang up.

The three of us will finally be reunited

A new life as Nash Grier's sisterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora