The Evil Awakens

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12am in an abandoned little town in the middle of nowhere. Isn’t it great when you run out of gas? It seems like a horror movie, crows in the trees just starting down into your soul.  Trees swaying in the crisp midnight air.  I never thought something like this would happen, it seems to unreal.

My parents and I walked along a desert road looking for help or gas to get us moving, and get out of this ghost town.  After about 10minutes of walking, we come across and huge old fashioned hotel, I’m sure it was about ten stores high, probably with around 1,000 rooms.  As we walk closer and closer, a tall skinny man in his 70’s walked out from a dark corner.  "Do you need a room?” he said in a mysterious voice.  "Oh, yes please.  Our car has run out of gas and we are very tired" explained my Farther.  The old man had a little grin on his face as he said "well, I guess you’re in luck. I have two rooms left.  But the two are separated, and are on either side of my hotel". It seemed weird; my parents took the two rooms and gave me a key for a room on the 6th floor, when they took the other on the 2nd floor. 

I thought it was weird how I’m only a 12year girl old and my parents have let me go off alone in an unknown hotel.  I tried not to think about it too much, I said goodnight to my parents and headed off to find my room.  When I got to the 6th floor, the hotel looked totally different from the other floors. This one had red and black wallpaper with dark brown wooden floors. As I walked the floorboards creaked and made a very weird sound. When I reached the part of the hotel that my room’s located, I started to feel insecure. I quickly turned around, and there standing right behind me was an old lady.  The old lady was dressed as a maid, and was just staring at me as if I was her worst enemy. She spoke to me in a very slow and hateful voice "Do you need anything little girl?” I wanted to answer her but I felt as if I should just shake my head and walk away. I kept walking, and turned around, the old lady was gone.  I feel uneasy and I just want go to sleep and forget about it all. As I was getting closer to my room I entered 'The Hallway'. As I’m walking through, I can see my room number at the end.  As I’m slowly walking to my room I hear screaming, and I notice blood dripping down the walls. I also see scratch marks on the floor, as if people were getting dragged into the rooms.  When I finally got to my room at the end of the hall, I saw my room, number 666. This seems too much like a movie, but I’ve got to get some sleep and deal with this later.

I thought everything was over and I could finally forget about it, but I was dead wrong. Around 2am, I heard a really loud scream coming from the room next door. I can’t take this anymore; I need to go and see my parents.  I ran through the hallway and quickly down the stairs, not stopping for anything.  When I reached my parents room, I couldn’t hear anything inside. That’s weird because my mum and dad both snore when they are sleep.  Worried, I quickly opened the door. At first it seemed normal; I could see my parents both 'asleep' in their bed.  But as I got closer, something caught my eye. There was a shiny thing lying on top of Mums pillow.  It was a knife.  My Mum didn’t seem to be in bed, but my Dad seemed sound asleep. As I walked up to him to wake him up, I could see that he has had his throat slit.  I quickly turned around to see my Mother standing behind me.  "Hello sweetie, what are you doing here?  You should be in bed like all the other good boys and girls" she said in a slow creepy voice.  I knew right away this wasn’t my mother.

She quickly grabbed the knife and my dad’s foot, and started dragging his lifeless body behind her as I ran for my life.  I quickly ran up the stairs to the 6th floor with her still behind me.  When I reached my room 666, I slammed the door and jumped on the bed as quickly as I could.  Thinking I was safe… 

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