1. first interaction

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The two classes made a lot of noise, all of them playing around and chatting without paying any attention to the teacher who was already getting nervous with their attitude.

The man put his hands on his already becoming greyish hair while sighing, trying not to scream at all of them to shut up.

"When I thought about putting two different classes together on PE this wasn't on my mind..." The man said to himself, walking down the stairs of the balcony while whistling to catch their attention.

"We aren't in the kindergarten boys." The teacher said putting his hands on his ankles and making an angry face. Changmin gulped looking at Jacob who was too scared of the old man, to make any sound or even move a finger. "So today we're gonna play dodge ball, because we are too many and you will get to know each other better!" The man said this time putting a friendlier smile on his face.

"We aren't in the kindergarten, but we're playing this shi..."

"Language Sunwoo" Sangyeon said, shutting the boy whispering on Juyeon's ear. The younger rolled his eyes but still looked at the teacher, listening to him.

"Make your teams mixed so everyone can play." With that statement the man went to sit on a bench close to the place where they were gonna play and took a pretzel from his pocket, eating it and getting his beard covered in sugar.

Sunwoo was chosen to be one of the captain's and on the other team there was Kevin who as soon as got up from sitting on the ground, chose Eric highfiving him. Sunwoo looked at the two boys cringing a little, because of how excited they were to play this game and embarrassed from the dance they were doing, moving their ankles up and down and being too loud for everyone's ears.

"I choose... Sangyeon." The older moved behind Sunwoo putting an arm around him and starting to plan out who they would choose next.

Eric and Kevin looked to all the guys and girls in the field trying to see who would be the next person to enter their team. They wanted to be fair and choose someone from the other class, but since they didn't really know their personalities and how good they were at playing this game they took some time to ponder.

Kevin smiled at the boy who was talking to another one and pointed his finger making a signal that he was supposed to come to their team. The boy smiled at him, showing some gratitude to be chosen, but his eyes were drawn to where Sunwoo was and Kevin felt a little guilty, because maybe the others wanted to be together.

"Hello I'm Haknyeon." The boy said with a huge smile, like what happened seconds ago was just things on Kevin's mind, so he brushed his thoughts away smiling back and introducing himself.

It was Sunwoo's turn to pick, but the boy he wanted to choose was more focused on talking to a girl from their class than in the game. Sunwoo tried to wave his  arm around and Sangyeon even tried to call for Hyunjae's name, but he was as deaf as a door.

Sunwoo grabbed the ball that was supposed to be for their game and threw it on Hyunjae's direction so he would finally give Sunwoo some attention, but he threw the ball with too much power which ended up hitting on another boy, he was from the other class and had a pastel pink hair.

"What the fuck? What's your problem?" Chanhee shouted making Sunwoo, who was approaching him worriedly, stop in the middle of his tracks.

"It wasn't supposed to hit you"

"Then you suck at this game you dumbass!"

Sunwoo wasn't one to have much patience so he started to get triggered. He approached the guy trying to make him understand his point, but the other boy didn't listen to him and continued shouting things, that just build more and more anger inside Sunwoo.

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