Chapter 5

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I'm so so so so sorry about the long wait!!!! I'm going to keep this authors note short to get straight to the chapter. The song on the side is If You Can't Hang by Sleeping with Series. Just a reminder only about 1 maybe 2 at most, chapters left before the ending and the big reveal! Shout-out to whoever can spot the Mulan reference! (P.S I forgot if it was from the first movie or the second☺...)

Disclaimer Ally Carter owns all except for the plot and everything foes to their rightful owners.

Chapter 5 (this story is almost coming to an end😞)

December 16, 2013 8:00 PM

Cammie pov

It was only a matter of time before my daughter called me to read to her. Don't get me wrong I love that she's very passionate about reading, I'm proud of her. It's just that we took her to the park today and my husband was no help at all. It was one of those rare days that Cece's extremely hyper and disobedient to what I tell her I have a killer headache and just feel like passing out on my bed but my duties as a mother comes first which basically means Cece comes before anything else. In other words screw my headache, my daughters happiness comes first.

Right on cue Cece repeated my name over and over again until I walked the two steps to her room. "Mommmmmmmmm" She said dragging out the m. Clearly she was still a bit hyper. Hopefully reading a chapter will calm her down and put her to sleep.

"Ready for Chapter 5?" I asked her sitting beside her on the bed. She nodded enthusiastically, her eyes shining. I opened the book to the page we left off last night and began reading. "Chapter 5....."

January 16, 2010

"Ready to go babe?" Josh asked me wrapping an arm around my waist. I nodded leaning into his warm touch. We were on our way to Bex's engagement party. You guessed it, she's Grant's fiancé. I bet Zach feels like such an idiot when he heard the news. All his retarded theories went down the drain. It served him right seeing as how they were stupid to being with. I had no regrets at the time. So then I didn't regret the decision I made by breaking up with Zach. He and I were over, I'm was with Josh now and I'm loved every second of it.

He was such a sweetheart. One day when I had to bail on a date because I wasn't feeling well he came over and made me soup. Not to mention the fact that he stayed with me the whole time I was sick even missing a few days of work. His presence just made everything better as cheesy as it sounds.

Josh and I had a solid relationship. We keep nothing from each other...except for the fact that I'm a spy. The only reason for this is because I was afraid they'll erase his memory again. I wanted to tell him, but I was scared. Maybe one day when the time was right. It's just that I couldn't lose Josh as well. He was the one to get me over Zach besides my mother.

I have to admit it was hard at first. Well saying it was hard would be a huge understatement. Some days I just wanted to curl up in a ball and never leave my room. Josh was the one who persuaded me to get out of the house. More like lured I thought as he led me to the car.

I shivered underneath my thick coat. Why Bex chose one of the coldest days in January is beyond me. Josh pulled me closer to him to capture his warmth. Another thing I wondered was why he is always so warm? It's like he had a built-in heater installed within him, not that I'm complaining.

The drive to the hotel Bex was hosting her engagement in was a long one, nearly 2 hours. Another question I had was why she chose someplace so far away? At least it gave me a lot of time to think because I had a lot on my mind.

I thought Josh was going to propose soon. The thought of becoming Mrs. Josh Abrams sent a smile to my face. Josh gave me a confused sideways glance since he was driving and had to keep his eyes on the road unless we wanted to die in a fiery car crash. Which by the way we didn't if that wasn't obvious enough.

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