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// intended lowercase, adultery, angst

this one-shot is inspired by/following the hamilton musical spin-off song, first burn.

it is highly recommended you listen to the song before reading: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2ys-AimNbE


; 2.3k words

baekhyun's tear stricken eyes reflected the raging, engulfing fire before him. the same fire illuminating the abyss of a room he took homage in need to bandage his heavy heart.

the affluent boy hasn't stopped crying for hours. no calming words from his brother, jongdae could even soothe his shattering heart.

"you've married an icarus,"   jongdae says as lulling circles were rubbed into baekhyun's trembling back.

"it seems he has flown too close to the sun.." he speaks in a mere soothing whisper.

now, baekhyun stands alone. in a pitch black room to wallow in his sorrows over a pamphlet.

a stupid fucking pamphlet.

the thin piece of paper that sealed his marriages fate for years to come.


chattering erupted among the municipality, "whoa! have you read this?!"

"quick, we need to grab one!"

"did you hear?! senator park released a kim's pamphlet! wonder what it's about?"

hearing his husbands name burned the tip of baekhyun's ears as he strolled through the town at dawn. it was no surprise. his husband wrote habitually.

it's like chanyeol is always running out of time when he brings the top of a feather to paper. it has baffled baekhyun ever since they met. so, he heeds no mind to the outbursts in the streets and continue his morning amble.

baekhyun was used to this, hearing his husband's name involved in the chatter of the town.

"jesus christ." he heard a nearby reader sputter words laced with disbelief.

"oh god. have you ever seen somebody ruin their own life? in just a few paragraphs?!"

baekhyun paused on his path and then he felt prying eyes consuming the back of his silhouette. he turned, some eyes flickered away back to the pamphlet gripped in clammy palms, others clung to him desperate for a reaction.

yet, the only thing he could give his inquisitive audience is an expression of utter confusion.

"his poor husband." he heard a woman mutter under her breath as her eyes scanned the paper in her hands.

"ha! park is never going to be president now with this type of shit ruining his name." oh sehun rambled to his partner, do kyungsoo as the duo brushed passed the baffled spouse of his enemy.

baekhyun's heart sunk and adrenaline of pure fear pumped through his physique. gripped fists falling to his sides he started to make his way towards the young man handing out the newly written pamphlets to the crowds.

the thin piece of paper fell into his trembling palms once his turn. he wasn't sure what he was expecting to unfold in front of him.

baekhyun loved chanyeol. he trusted him.

chanyeol was a hard-working man who did anything for his dreams and that's what baekhyun admired the most about the penniless giant.

'this can't be too bad, it just can't.'

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