butterfly effect

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Batafurai  efekuto


Heyo! I'm Lisatheactor but just call me Lis for short, okay :D okay so hear is what you guys need to know, I am doing a collabe with another wattpad member named Mikunagato20 (go check her out if you haven't already) anywho she does a lot of Black Butler fanfiction stories but starting from now we are going to work together on her own new project which has been given the name Batafurai Efekuto. To give you a sum up it's about a guy to time traveles to get a girl to fall in love with him but during his adventures all sorts of events and obsticals get in the way of his goal which sends the girls life down into a spirial! >w< poor thing... all cuz he wants her to love him...

Kay me and Miku (for short) can both be found on Tumbler and we plan to once she has got the story written and knows the ending herself for me to draw it out for her into manga pannels UwU... if she ever figures out all the characters and their ages! XD this is no joke!

Okay here is what she has got so far but don't worry the list isn't long... again no joke

The main guy who travels back in time is known as Umi Atsushi and to give you an idea on the type of guy he is, we will say to start of with he is a kind and because of the main heroin actions in his time which had made her popular, he is one of the many to fall for her but his love is more true where the others are just her fan followers. 

Now some detail about this guy, who by the way is hot! and if he wasn't my friends Oc I would ship him with me OwO FOR LIFE! okay back to bussiness he has short blue hair but a long side fringe that covers his rights eye and yes girls (and guys) don't worry he has that hot messy anime hair we all. He has dark blue eyes to match that perfect hair of his and his fashion... well I bet you can guess... yes that's right it's a hot fashion for a hot guy (I so want to marry him! ...she made be say this but she does to >w> )

Now for the girl! Her name is Haruka Natsumi but to make is simple it's Haru for short and just to make her name even more fun Miku has even given her a middle name which is Asami (oh glob why???) Okay this girl love's food like more then life it's self and I am pretty sure that if she could she would marry food (poor Umi but don't worry due to his last name it reminds her of food.... really feel sorry for a guy... you have heard of the friend zone but for him it's the food zone... for life... side note I am so avalible for him any time) Her job is as a Japanese Idol who is working to become a Mangaka and well all the boys (and girls) fall for this loving Idol but fame isn't cut out for what it is meant to be and due to it this causes her to learn things and doubt things about herself she never knew before the life of fame. 

Moving on to what this girl looks like (side note for a story that has no middle or ending and only two characters this sure is the longest intro ever!!") Haru has short in hair and a messy little fringe with longish side bangs. Her causual clothes are her blue hoodie and black top  with a logo on it (will get to the logo detail's later and no Miku you can't have "wings of freedom" as the logo!) now for when she is out and looking good she wears A short black dress with a red band arround the waits and red ruffles at the top and underneath the dress. Oh and she makes her hair lessy messy but in the end those details will be shown... (if she ever writes this globing story!)

Okay now I'm guessing you guys want to know why the hell I'm writting all this on my account instead of the other LAZY GIRL writting it on her's, well the reason for this (which she thinks is a good one) is because she writes a lot of Black Butler Fanfiction, like I said before and doesn't want to start confusing her readers with a story none related (okay Black Butler is a good exscue and seriously you must read it! or I will be watching O___O always watching...)

Miku: -_- lisa  please dont scare of the readers

Lis: awww but it's fun *sighs and pouts* fine... but you better have this story done when you come to write it >__> or I will come after you! 

Miku: i like to see you try (@_@) 

Lis: Don't make me carry you to the bin again (this is no joke!) hmmmm I hear it's bin day tomoz  >:D muhahah

Miku: were going off subject now we need to concentracte, right i just need to tell you yes i have the first chapter already thought out so no need to worry XD

Lis: aww I was going to say that *pouts* but sure well we will see if you do... now to finish up this messed up long but some how short and apparently according to Miku important information (how is a bin important?) 

Miku: if you want to find our tumblrs please go to these two links and follow both of us and keep up to date with our progress 

Lis: Note my tumble is full of stuff to do with my Adventure Time fandom so don't mind that stuff UwU anywho here is my tumble http://coltonsnow.tumblr.com/

Miku: and here is mine https://www.tumblr.com/blog/mikunagato20 its full of black butler of course and random japanese music that i am absolutly obsessed with.

Miku and Lis : please follow both of us and read this amazing story which we hope you will love will turn into a manga  on tumblr and stuff.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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