The War

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I lived in Earth, the good world while the Underworld had been colonised by the Earth Armies. Underworld residents had the choice to become Earth citizens or to be thrown in prison. Pop had fought the Earth Armies during the war and when his army had lost, he gave up and took Mum and Uncle Ian up to Earth in surrender. There, Ian went to live in Taretown (the major city two hours from where we lived) and Mum met Dad (a member of the Earth ministerial board) and they got married. Pop went to an old people's home but he didn't mind because he and Gran had split up before the war. Mum and Dad had Bliss, Rowan, me and then Will and we were all happy. Will and I went to the village school and cycled there every morning but Bliss went to a High School in Taretown but because it was so far away, she left Sunday night and boarded there during the week and came home in the weekends. Rowan went to a real big, boys boarding school in Oparugame (the capital of Earth.) His school ended a week before ours so he came home a week before our holidays started. Pop was still a bit miffed about us giving up like that in the war...he reckoned that the Underworld meant no harm and that the Earth Armies just wanted power but Mum warned him not to speak up about it in case he was thrown into prison. There were still a few small armies who tried to attack Earth but our armies held them back. It wasn't the ideal life...but it was okay.

You're probably wondering why the Earth Armies attacked in the first place. Well, they had this notion that the Underworld Army was plotting something to overthrow them so they sent spies in to find out what was going on. All the spies saw were makings of daggers, knives and machetes with special inscriptions on them in a strange language (we all know it was the Underworld language but the Earth Armies are too thick to realise that.) The President of Earth got all worried and sent more spies in. The spies just got the wrong idea, thinking the Underworld people were going to attack so they attacked first. The Underworld hadn't been expecting this so of course they were at a disadvantage. Once the Earth Armies won the war, nobody has been allowed to reenter fact, no Earth citizen ever knows where the entrance to Underworld is. Mum's forgotten, after all, she was just a kid when they had to be evacuated. But Pop still knows. He won't tell a soul though. Rowan knows that Pop won't tell him anything about Underworld cos Pop hates his guts. Bliss and I know that Pop won't tell us nothing, we're girls but Will's pretty confident that Pop will confide everything in him. He's Pop's favourite grandchild and he always does the best in school and sports. He's like the perfect little eleven year old. He's always been my best friend but I've always envied his relationship with Pop. He's always envied me and Bliss...except the other way round. See, Bliss is in a serious relationship with this dude, Max and Mum's worried cos she doesn't want Bliss to get married once she's eighteen. Will also envies me. I have a boyfriend named Ten and Will's wanted a girlfriend ever since he came to my school. Anyway, I reckon that his relationship with Pop is way more valuable than any boyfriend or girlfriend in the WORLD.

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