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this is my first book. 

Here lies the house of cool fude lusray, to friends luxray. As he gets on tricksterpage talking to best friend kirk (trollbarf_)  kirk says

"sup bro getting e new gsme speed slasher it like the best " lux (glazed faygoman^-^) replies "no way man that game cost like 200 bucks  Kirk replies bro its only like 200 dollars if you get the whole console in other accessories Luxray replies I no but my dad won't buy it for me. With this glazed faygo man left the conversation. The next day I woke up and practically just ate breakfast comically my brother Dante were talking about the new game to dad and remarkably he said he'll buy it. At that moment my touch tube aka the iPhone in our dimension  started to vibrate, so I check my touchpad in went to my tricksterpage  my luck guess who it is LARP 64 will this douchebag shall be in the story 4 all of it basically back to the story LARP 64 and aggressive try hard and has a sick obsession for Nicolas Cage movies . LARP 64 says hey noob I see you haven't got speed slasher glazed replies well I see you haven't got a sense of humor yet.  LARP pauses at the comment he text double facepalm times 2 glazed replies  this is the first time you ever shut up. LARP says the first time ever shut up you never shut up since the first day I met you.  With a side note here me and LARP have been friends 2 years ago but he actually stopped being my friend continue at the story. I  blocked  him out of the conversation, my dad called me down again for school , I went to a school that I find quite annoying I go to high school just to let you know. Me and my friends well just me in the couple of random kids I don't even know in a club called the fitness club I only joined it because I can grab a pencil my muscular fingers I got kicked out of class because I broke all the chalk. I know it sounds stupid but possible my school is quite high budget but at the same time cheap . i board the bus and go to  my friend deja aka cat girl we call her that because one day she kept cats in a closet and they got out and ran amok at the school. Deja says a luxury I see you didn't break the door today I reply ha what a funny joke. She pulls out her dace tube which is a updated tablet version of the touch tube . she shows me a picture of her look at it in confusement and ask why is one of them wearing a dog hat she says I think it's cute when dogs and cats get along. With that the bus pulls to a halt and there is the demonic place we call school, Satan's lair okay I know where exaggerating but it's okay  our school is called  zone named after the founder Eric bozone. But I really don't care about that all I go to school do is hang out with my best friend  gamzeeMakara o I see you don't know we are trolls the school we go to doesn't have classes like math and English we have fights studies murder class and don't forget P e painful education I'm just joking we have regular classes like you humans but highly advanced we don't use pencils thought projectors we attach earbuds in our ears which is connected to a pad that puts our thoughts on pad and  ki f2f he came by and kick them out so they ordered not attractive teachers which is comically genius like funny just pick up ugly people off the street and plus the teachers don't even care about how gamzee is always drinking see you  humans sleep on bed we sleep on cover beds. We switch to PE our PE class is not like yours the teacher teaches us how to use our weapons just in case of an  ogre outbreak some ogres came from another time continuum but its only like five in our world. school was horrible haha besides the lunch rrying to kill us or the gym teacher rushing a  fat kid up the rock mountain. my gaurdian just came home aka dad I don't have a mom we have spiritual creatures we call sulus. the problem was he had multiple colors of blood dripping from his face and his claws were bloody too, I asked him with confusion why are you soaked in blood he gave me a insane look and wiped the blood on his paws and left.

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