Chapter 6: A new Beginning (OLD)

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I rolled out of bed, my tangled hair hanging in front of my face as I stretched out my arms in front of me.

Without a forethought I walked over to the armoire and dressed myself in the usual garb. I put on the hardened leather Breastplate, draping the long black shaw I wore wrapped around my head followed by the pants made with plates of hardened leather wound into the tough fabric they were made of.

Finally slipping around the leather belt around my waist I double checked the fastenings of my blades and assorted vials as I had for the last few months of my sore life. Kicking open the hatch to the ladder I swiftly slid down, barely making a whisper as I made my way through the house.

Weaving through the knots of people bunched around small open fronted businesses, seeking this and that, I made my way to Ashe's usual watering hole.

After a few minutes of walking across rope bridges swaying precariously from the tops of trees, I made it.

Slipping around the rickety bark panel that made up the door. Once in the room I took the few moments before I was noticed to look around, placing my self with a clear line to the exit.

The center of the room was dominated by a old gnarled table, where a group a people, including Ashe sat. They were hunched over, each with a few old grimy cards in hand and a mug of ale in the other. The stack of oily candles in the center casting a flickering glow across their faces, picking up the minute details.

After a while a fair portion of the table let out a collective gasp which was followed by the sound of handfuls of coins being slid across the table. I looked up to see a grin on Ashe's face as he pocketed the coins, then stood up and walked out of the house - stopping to motion for me to follow him.

As I walked out toward the door out of the room my hand dropped, absentmindedly coming to rest on the hilt of my most favoured blade.

"You came early," He said in a hushed tone as I walked through the door.

"Well that didn't stop you from winning did it?" I replied, somewhat bored.

"Let's go. We're meeting Dave down below," he said pointing downward, "Only a few days left of training."

As the last few words left his mouth days and weeks of my life flashed through my head, pull-ups on a tree branch, sparring with sharpened steel blades while blind folded and taste testing the different poisons.

Following in Ashe's footsteps we set of at a brisk pace, darting in and out of the crowds.

Once we came to the ladder we began the all to familiar climb down the tree, taking less then half time we took when we first arrived.

*this is a work in progress that I am posting just to see what you guys think so feel free to comment if you love it or hate it! other then that I'll fix it and add more to it soon!*

Hiding in the Shadows - Old Version (Other one is new one)Where stories live. Discover now