"Pleasure meeting you..."

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Name: Ayato Okumura

Age: 17 (can adjust to an older or younger age)

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Human


Height: Just a little short for a guy

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Height: Just a little short for a guy. 5'8

Personality: Quiet and collected, calm, friendly, and humorous at times.

Position: Seke (usually bottom in yaoi)

Likes: Quiet, reading, music, cats, large clothing, sweets, and coffee.

Dislikes: Loud noises, large dogs, crowds, bullies, and heights.

Other: Ayato is a calm and quiet person. You can usually find him reading in the library or asleep while listening to music. He doesn't seem like the type but he gets very possessive of what's his. He often has panic attacks when he's paranoid or in a large crowd but you can calm him down by reassuring him that things are okay and holding him.

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