Ghost Story

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2366 words, less than the last chapter, but just as much.

sorry for the sealand mochi, i made it and thought it was funny


We all ran to the deck, but we didn't hear where the roar came from. Sensei came out too.

"Take positions!" He said to us all. I went out there too, before a hand on my shoulder stopped me. It took a moment to realize it was Sensei. "I am not letting you go out there hurt." Oh right, my broken arm. I went back inside with Nya. I look at her.

"Do you need me to do anything?" I ask her.

"No, j-just stay there for now.." I nod and go into a corner, cradling my broken arm. I hear the roars outside and Nya turns the ship. Nya turns the ship again. There's a thud and laugh outside. I know who it's from. I hear fighting. Nya then comes to a realization. "Why am I steering the ship? There's a reason autopilot was invented," She presses a button and an inflatable Dareth pops up. She turns to me. "Mason, stay here. We don't need you getting hurt more."

"Yeah, that's reasonable." I close my eyes as the world happens around me. The ship is out of control and is weaving everywhere, from what I can feel. I hear bickering, but I'm not sure where it's coming from. I hear electricity and blaring alarms. I curl into myself more. For a slight moment, I'm airborne. Then, the Bounty crashes. I got flung forward and crashed into three other people. They grab onto me to protect me.



"Ok, let's never do that again.." Kai said as he was standing next to the gaping hole in the ship. It was sad looking. We all gathered around it.

"Just think, if Sensei hadn't thrown the staff, it could have been worse." Zane, Kai and I looked at him. My arm tingled, but I ignored it. I had gotten a better cast for it.

"Yeah, but now we don't know the message.." Cole said as he slid down. Sensei joined him.

"Not exactly, I managed to make an imprint." We all gathered around a picture on the wall. There were three in total. One of a tornado, one of a sword with puffy things around it, and one of a skull. It was confusing.

"Does it mean anything?" I question Sensei.

"Yeah, it's all confusing." Jay added in. Sensei stroked his beard.

"My father told me long ago that he would leave a message, leading me to his final resting place. After he passed, I looked everywhere for it. Not knowing it was in my hand the whole time." He turned around and left. We all followed. He made his way to the deck and jumped to the ground.

"You mean to tell us-" Kai was interrupted.

"Yes. These symbols will lead us to the tomb of the first spinjitzu master," Cole grabbed my waist and helped me get down. The rest followed. It was relieving to be on the ground, close to nature. "Only problem is, I haven't the foggiest idea what any of them mean." He stops.

"Well if Morro is trying to find the tomb, we gotta find it first."

"Yeah, maybe Misako can help us decipher them since she's a total history buff." Zane took out the falcon, I looked at him fondly.

"Pixal, release the falcon and give Misako our location." The falcon opened up and took flight. We all watched it fly off.

"Good, then we set up camp." Time went by and it turned night. Courtesy of me, I got logs for sitting and fire. I stared at the fire, entranced by the way it danced around. The heat it gave off was comforting. The owls chirping and hooting gave me a sense of safety. A mouse wandered by my feet and I picked it up. I held it close to my face. It was talking.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2019 ⏰

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